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FWI: {Flash back} = Flash back

word count: 1303

Song : Half a Heart by One Direction


<Louis POV>

"Hey I wanted to come check to see if you are okay. why are you crying do you wanna talk about it." Zayn said walking in and sitting on the bed beside Louis.

"No I'm fine it just hit me that's all." Louis said getting up and walking to hi dresser and pulling up cloths to change into.

"Okay me and Liam are going to watch a movie in the living room, I think Harry will come watch it with us if you want to join. When you finished getting dressed come out okay." with that said Zayn walked out of the room and left louis to change out of the cloths.

"ughh I really don't want to be here I want to go back home" Louis said taking off his shirt

"Hey your friend said to come in here and see-" Harry came walking in with out a shirt and tight boxers where you could see the out line of his dick. "My eyes are up here" he said with a slight smirk

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" Louis said looking into his eyes

"First" Harry said getting upset "don't talk to me like that, Second this is my house and lastly you..." Harry walked to the door right next to louis " you could have used the bathroom." He sad opening the door leading into a bathroom.

"whatever, are you going to go watch the movie with Liam and Zayn" He said putting on his shirt rolling his eyes at Harrys attitude

Harry saw that Louis rolled his eye but didn't want to comment on it. "No I'm not that's just a waist of time, I still need to get the stuff that you need to be working on the desk because you start first thing in the morning so I suggest you go to sleep early." Harry said walking out of the room.

"okay imma make sure to go to sleep daddy" Louis said that as a joke but when he said it he accidently said it perversely

"umm okay. Make sure to get some sleep. After the movie I'm going to check to see if your asleep and if your not than I'm going to have to make you work till you fall asleep" Harry threatened him.

Even though it was an empty threat he still feared the taller man. "okay" Louis said walking into the living room where Liam and Zayn was.

"are you going to come watch the move with us Harry" Liam asked already knowing the answer was no

"cant I have to wright a song to put on my album." Harry said and tried walking away

"wants it called?" Zayn asked in curiosity.

"I don't know yet. I haven't even wrought it yet that's what I'm going to be doing to night so Louis could go over it with on of my managers" Harry said walking out of the room

"Okay what do you guys wanna watch I have a lot of movies already downloaded." Liam said looking at both the guys.

"I want to watch a scary movie" Zayn said with wide eyes

"Okay witch one I have like... 10 different ones"

"well this will be a scary night" Louis thought to himself. He never have liked scary stuff. When he was little and his family put on scary stuff he would just go in the other room with his little sisters and play with them. So with no one here he could just go into another room with he just sat on the couch. Wait.

There is someone he could go to.

"I really don't like scary movies" Louis said without thinking. "I think im just going to go with Harry okay guys." Louis defiantly wasn't thinking at this point.

"Are you sure we could just pick another movie" Liam said looking at all the movies he had put back in the big box under the tv.

"No really its fine. Better to know what he's righting so I don't have to show up unprepared anyways." Louis laughed and headed into the direction Harry had head in

Louis stopped at a door that was huge. it looked like it could be his room because by the door it was a sigh that said "Harrys room" and "Knock before opening" so Louis nocked until he heard someone get up and open the door.

"what do you want" Harry was now at the door with the door open alittle bit to where you could only see him

"Um the guys are watching a scary movie and I really don't like those movies. Iwas wondering if I could hear the song that you are wrighting, so you know umm... I wont go unprepared to the meeting." Louis keeped getting distacted by shitless harry.

"fine but no talking or no getting in my way and when I tell you to do something do it" Harry commanded "Okay?"

"Okay" Louis repeated and that's when harry opened the door to his room.

"Make yourself at home I guess" Harry said walking in and sitting on his bed"

"Wow its so big in here" Louis said forgetting the first rule.

"its whatever but remember my rules don't tall" Harry remined him

"oops sorry" Louis said and sat down on his huge king size bed.

"Its fine, okay so I already have a little bit of the song. Its called Half a heart . Don't aske me who its about because if you do, to any of my songs, I will fire you on the spot." Harry sat on his bed with paper in hand and pencil in the other.

He starts singing what he has on the paper.

"So your friends have been telling me you've been sleeping with my sweater and that you cant stop missing me." Harry sung the first virse. "Bet my friends been telling you im not doning much better 'cause im missing half of me.

"he can actually sing what" louis thought to himself

"And being here without you is like I'm waking up to," Harry looked up to louis singing to him now. "Only half og blue sky, kinda there but not quite. Im walking round with just one shoe im half a heart without you." Harry looked down at his paper again.

"who is this song about. did he date someone? a girl? well he off the table." Louis asked in his head.

"I'm half a man at best with half an arrow in my chest. I miss every thing we do im half a heart without you. " Harry sung but then looked up at louis to sing this part to him in hopes he remembered their promise. And what they said before he moved.

"Forget all we said that nigh" Harry sung remembering what happened that night he moved.

{" why do I even like you you're so stuck up Harry"}

{I'm stuck up? Your the one whos leaving me, your stuck up}

"No, it doesn't even matter, 'Cause we both got split in two."



" If you could spare me just an hour or so we'll go for lunch down by the river. We could really talk it through." Harr finished Umm that's all I have for now, I still need a little bit more than Im finished"

"That was so good, im glade that I get to be your assistant harry I really am."

there was a knock on the door, it was Liam, but why?

"Hay Hazz, can I umm talk to you." Liam came in the door wave sending Louis a smile.

Louis stood up and said good bye and left the room heading into the living room where Zayn was.

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