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Words: 707
<Liam's POV>

"what was so important that you had to interrupt my singing. Louis really need to learn how its like to be an assistant because if he goes into the office with no singing experience he will get hurt" Harry said crossing his arms and staring at Liam.

"Okay first that was cute, for you to wright and sing that song infront of him. You got balls bro. I now what that song is about don't try me." Liam said standing up and swinging Harrys keys.

"is that what you wanted, really?" Harry said getting impatient.

"No. Niall just texted me and said that him and Nick got drunk at a bar and now they cant get home. they asked for us to pick them up." Liam said getting out his phone to text the boys that they are coming.

"why couldn't you just go. You know where they always go to get drunk." Harry said grabbing his song book to but in notes for new songs.

"You do remember when ever I go alone I always get touched by Nick. Even if he's a really good friend he's despite for you know," Liam said remembering when he was almost r@p3d by the bigger and stronger man.

" Liam your older tell him no or to stop. Your fine" Harry said desperately trying not to go with him.

"Look if we both go then he wont be able to do anything. Just please I really don't want to go alone." Liam pleaded

"Okay fine but what are we going to do about the boys. I don't want them to be here alone, what if someone comes and tries to brake in, that's been happening a lot now. I don't want the to get hurt." Harry said getting the keys from Liam.

"Aww Harold likes them, he likes them" Liam jumped around earning a smack to his face from harry. "Okay fine, we could take the black SUV car, I like that one better because of the leg room. "he said walking out

"why don't we just take your car?" Harry asked following Liam out the door.

"Because, if one of them throws up I do not want to ne the one who has to clean it." Liam said in a cocky vice "also I really don't want to drive." He said picking out the keys for the black SUV.

"Whatever go get the boys. ill bring the car around" Harry said taking the keys away from Liam

<Louis POV>

"Hey guys me and Harry are going to pick up our friends, you guys should come with, we dont want you to be here all alone." Liam said not knowing what to say and what not to say.

"Okay. Me and Lou can sit in the back if you want. I don't think he would want to be alone while we are out." Zany said holding Louis hand while getting up from the couch.

"Okay that's fine I'll sit in the front with Harry then to give you two alone time." Liam said walking out of the house and into the front yard where Harry was waiting for them.

"Hey, are you going to be okay Lou why did you stop?" Liam said turning back after he felt a hard tug on his arm like Louis stoped walking.

"I don't want to leave. What if he finds where we are and we have no other way to get away from him because we are in a car. He could crash into us and take me. We can-" Louis was cut off by Zayn's hand to his mouth.

"Don't talk like that, he is long gone by now and you don't have to worry. Plus we have Harry and Liam to protect us if something goes wrong. And we are about to go get their friends so we will have them it's 5 agents 1 I think we got this." Zayn said with confidence in his voice.

"Okay Zayn I trust you." And with that they went inside the car were the other boys were and drove off to someone who might not be good for Louis.

Someone who gets really fiscal when he's drunk.


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