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<Louis POV> 

" Come on Zayn we need to leave if we are going to be arriving on time" Louis shouted from the door

"HOLD ONNN, I'm almost done" Zayn shouted coming into the door way  

"you know you don't have to yell I'm right here." Louis told him getting the keys from the little hanger where you put your keys. (I don't know what its called lmao)

"whatever lets go little one" Zayn said leaving the door to go to their car.

"give me a brake. IM BIG" louis said following after him

"Whatever lest just get this done so you wont be looking for a job 24/7."

Louis never told Zayn about his offer from Harry. If he has than Zayn would force him to take it but Louis cant even if it is a grate opportunity he told Luke that he would never leave him and being an assistant means to forces on some one else. And if Luke finds out from Zayn Louis would be forced out of that job.

Zayn doesn't know that Luke hits Louis or tells him what to do or tells him what to wear. 

But that doesn't matter any more because they broke up. Right....


They get to the mall for a job. 

"Can we leave after this one. I'm tired " Zayn asked when the Manager left to go get someone to help her.

"No 4 more than we can leave. if you're tired then you should have went to sleep earlier then going out with that Liam boy." Louis said smiling to himself because last night they were loud (iykyk)

"Hey listen here you little shit you can come for me but not Liam okay." Zayn said getting all defensive. 

  "Okay so we have a Louis Tom-." The person said walking into the room but then stopped

"SHIT" louis thought. it was the man who slammed a glass bottle across his head at the bar. It was the boy who said he would kill himself if Louis broke up with him. He was the one that got Louis in that car accident. Louis thought. Or did he 

"WHAT, you were the one who got him into that car crash!" Zayn yelled at him starting to stand up. "You know you could have killed him!" Zayn turned to Louis. "And is that why you don't eat because OF THIS DIP SHIT" And that's when Zayne snapped putting all the paces together.

"Louis not eating, Louis always having browses on his body, Louis always flinching when ever he raised a hand when we were all hanging out, Louis always having to pause whatever he's doing to text some one back, him always having to leave ME because someone wanted him there right away and that it was an emergency. THAT WAS ALL BECAUSE OF THIS SHIT!" Zayn yelled slamming his fist into his face leaving Luke's face with blood.

"Zayn come one lets go" Louis tried getting him to leave so they wont get into more trouble. 

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME  DO YOU NOT TRUST ME TO TELL ME!" Zayn said going up to Louis and hugging him because Louis started to cry. "we have been friends for YEARS. I could have helped" Zayn started to cry because he felt like he hasn't been a good friend. 

"ill tell you everything just please lets g-" Louis was stopped in his tracks by Zayn collapsing. Luke hit him in the back of his head with a glass bottle. "LUKE PLEASE STOP" louis started to cry even more. 

the cops than came and put the fight to a stop. Thankfully Zayn woke up before they came to tell them everything that went on because if he didn't then Louis wouldn't tell the cops anything because that's how scared Louis was of Luke.

They now were in the car. Louis didn't get a job because he was now banned at every single mall. 

"why didn't you tell me? I could have helped." Zayn asked pulling out of the parking lot.

Louis told him everything "and that's basically all of it." 

"wow that must have been hard for you I'm so sorry" Zayn said pulling in the drive way 

"I have something else that I didn't want to tell you and I don't know why I didn't tell you the first time he asked" Louis said making Zayn stay in the car 

"Okay what is it" Zayn asked looking him in the eyes 

"umm do you remember Harry? Louis asked. He cant believe he's telling him this but Zayn needs to know.

"Of coerce  he's like the famous one out of all 4 of them how could I not ." Zayn said rolling his eyes. 

" He offered me a job as his assistant yesterday." Louis stopped and looked at him. His eyes fell on the steering weal. 

" I already know but thank you for telling me." Zayn smiled to himself 

"Wait what how did you know?" Louis turned his body towards him. 

"I was with Zayn all night do you really think that he wasn't going to ask me if I knew what your answer was going to be" Zain said rolling his eyes and going to the front door. 

"so what's your answer?" Zain asked him sitting down on the couch and grabbing the remote. 

"wait so your not going to force me to get the job?" Louis asked sitting next to him  

"if you don't want it you don't have to get it." Zayn said putting on one of his favorite show " The reason you didn't tell me was because you thought I would force you was it not. So I'm trying to not force you or do you want me to? cuz I will." Zayn said to louis looking at him. he knows Louis so well.

"no its fine." louis said getting up.

"so what's your answer" 

"I think I'm going to do it. it has been my dream since I was little" Louis said walking into the kitchen to grab his phone that he left there to make a phone call.

"Okay so what are going to do now?" Zayn asked from the couch 

"I don't know yet" Louis said walking into his room 

Louis then sits on his bed and debits on weather to call or not . 

He puts in the number and hears it ringing then stop.

"Hello?" He said he sounded tired like he was up all night.

"Ill do it" Louis said "as he finishes he hears his door bell ring and Zayn opening the door and then shouting. "you can pick me up in 3 hours if you want ill get to work right way." Louis said he just wanted to get out of the house because he can hear the shouting that was happening in the living room. He walks to his door and locks it.

"what's that noise?" He asked through the phone. 

"I guesses he can hear this" Louis thought in his mind


"HE DOES WANT ME HERE IM HIS BOYFRIEND AFTER ALL DUMBASS! LOUIS WHERE ARE YOU IM SO SORRY BABY." Luke gets to the door. "Come on baby im sorry for hurting yo come on and open the door. OPEN THE DOOR YOU LITTLE SLUT!" and yup the person on the phone did hear that how could he not. 

" I'm picking you up right now ill be there in 20 mins can you call the cops?" He asked 

"I think Zayn is doing that but thank you try to hurry please he's going to brake the door down." louis said and right then the door came rushing down. but it wasn't Luke. I guess he had left because the person who came in was Zayn. 

"Never mind I think he left ill go over in 3 hours" Louis said 

But before he finished the person on the phone said. "don't worry I will be there in 10 mins I already started to drive I'm also bringing Liam because he was with me. 

"oh okay" Harry then hangs up the phone leaving Louis on a blank screen wondering why he agreed to pick him up still.  

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