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***Miner Smut!!***
Hope you enjoy 😊

<Louis POV>

"come on Louis. it will be fun and plus i cant go all by my my self then i will be lonely." Zayn said fixing his hair for the 3rd time.

"yeah it will be fun. plus you know whos going to be there, Shawn Mendes. He's every ones favorite, you cant go wrong with him." Niall said getting Louis close ready for him since he has been laying down this whole time they were suppose to be getting ready.

They were all getting ready to go to a club that Liam and Niall both invited them to. Some of famous celebrities' were going to be there since this was a tradition for some of them.

"Look clubs, parties and big crowds are just the thing i cant do. And plus, did you guys see the news last night, Harrys fans are basically going to kill me on sigh. Look I'm sorry Zayn but I cant go." Louis said standing up to put the cloths that Niall had taken out away.

"look i know you don't like this stuff, but you need to come out of your shell. your gonna have to if you think of staying as the big stare singer, Harry Style's assistant. And there not going to kill you, your being dramatic. Plus half of his fans like you and Harry together. And if not then they like you Leta lone " Zayn said grabbing the cloths that he had just put away.

"And if you get too scared or nerviest and you don't like it there then we will get you out as soon as you say. Your emotions are more important than a stupid club." Niall said getting the cloths from Zayn and handing it over you Louis.

"Fine" Louis said heading to the bathroom. "but if I don't like it I'm leaving, with or without you guys:" with that Louis went into the bathroom to change.


Louis, Zayn and Niall all get to the club where the others were going to meet them. When they got inside Louis got a strong smell of beer and other substance. Louis and Zayn follow where Niall was heading and quickly saw the others sitting in a book in the corner. there sat, Liam, Nick, Shawn, Harry and other people that were just as famous as Harry and the other boys.

They go to sit down at the huge booth, Niall sitting next to Nick and Zayn going to Liam and sitting on his lap.

"guess they are a thing now, i need to remind my self to ask about that." Louis thought going to the spot that was left, next to Harry and this girl with blond hair.

"well we already got our drinks so you guys can go get yours if you want any thing, its on the house so feel free to get anything. " the blond girl said that was dangerously close to Harry.

"Thanks Tayler, come on Zayn and Louis lets go get something at the bar." Niall said getting up from his spot and waiting for the 2 other men to tag along with him.

They got their drinks but Louis and Zayn decide to stay at the bar aria so they wouldn't have to get up and get more. And because thy wanted to catch up because Zayn got back 2 days ago and they haven't been talking about him, all they would talk about was Louis and if he was going to be okay with Luke going around and stalking him.

"so How have you been" Louis asked drinking from his first glass of beer

"been okay, I've missed you, but its fun working over there and you will not believe this guy that also works there." Zayn said but when he saw the confused face on Louis' face he continued. "he asked me out when I was working! can you believe that, like what kind of a weirdo does that!"

"yeah" louis thought this was the perfect time to ask him about Liam. so he asked "so what's up with you and Liam, you two seemed kind of close over there at the booth. care to explain that"

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