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<With Louis>

The next morning after Louis wakes up in Harrys bed. After they had sex Louis got vary tired and didn't want to walk to the guest bedroom so Harry said that he could sleep with him.

When Louis fully wakes up he notices two strong arms holding him in place from be hind him. He looks back to see Harrys green, emerald like eyes already on him. "Were you watching me sleep? If so then your creepy." Louis said looking forward once again.

"You know you talk when you sleep, its adorable." Harry said turning Louis around to look at him. "You kept saying, 'Hazza, go harder' and 'HARRY! I'm going to cum, can I cum dad-" Harry got interrupted by hands placed on his lips.

"I was not saying that, get over your self Harold. Now go get dressed we have to go to work." Louis said trying to get out of Harrys grip, but he was too weak to get free.

"Come on Lou, we can stay in, i am the boss around there. They are all afraid of me. Plus" Harry faked coughed, "I'm sick and you need to take care of me. You are my assistant aren't you." Harry said laughing, holding onto Louis tighter so he really cant get out of his grip.

"Harry, stop get ready we already missed to many days because of that one time you did get sick." Louis poked Harrys side causing Harry to loosen his grip on the smaller boy. Louis takes that chance and gets out of bed leaving Harry with a pout on his face making grabby hands towards Louis, "Now, get your ass up. I'm still your assistant. And my job is to get you out of bed, so pleases Harry. I don't want to go to plan B." Louis said crossing his arms over his chest.

"what's plan B? Is it anything to do with you being my assistant because if your threatening me with your job than, you're thinking of me the wrong way. Ill just spoil you and give you anything you want. Name it and its yours." Harry said crossing his eyes trying to go back to sleep.

"I wont sleep with you anymore. Meaning this would be a one night stand." Louis said watching as Harry opened his eyes, shook crossing his eyes for a split second. "And even if w were to quit, i wont let you spoil me. I'm a grown man and can survive off of myself, i don't need you to buy me things Harry."

"So, what im getting from this, is," Harry paused closing his eyes again. "you want to have sex with me again?" Harry said chuckling to himself.

Louis doesn't know what do do at this point and that is why he grabs a pillow from the bed and throws it at Harry. "If you don't get up then I'm going to drag your ass off, Do you hear me Styles." Louis said looking down at Harry who was silently watching Louis being the big person here.

But all Harry does is look into Louis eyes and closes his eyes, once again. When Louis realizes after 3 minutes of him still laying in his laying position, Louis grabs both of the taller boys feet and starts to pull him away from the bed. He did this till the older boy oblige to Louis and got up going to Louis and giving him a kiss on the cheek, grabbing a pair of boxers and leaving.

Louis sighs, walking into Harrys closet finding his boxers that Harry threw hours before. Louis puts his boxers on and looks at what was in front of him. A white hoodie that says 'Treat People With Kindness' written in rainbow colors. Louis takes it off the hanger and puts it on, it went to his mid though and gave him sweater paws witch he didn't mind.

After he finishes changing, he goes down stairs into Harrys kitchen seeing him in only black tight boxers that show off his ass cooking food.

"why are you staring so much Lou?" Harry said turning his head to the side to look at the smaller boy. "You like what you see, or do you want me to show you. Or let you feel it all inside you." Harry said watching Louis eyes grow big at the last comment.

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