burrito bowl

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in which cal joins you on your weekly grocery shopping trip and you get stuff to make for dinner. basically another cooking imagine hehe
1132 words


"ready to go?" you asked cal as you grabbed your purse and straightened out your grey sweater. you had some black cycling shorts underneath and some old air forces on your feet, a plain black mask adorning your face.

"yeah." cal smiled coming out of your shared bedroom. he was wearing a white 5sos hoodie and some grey sweatpants paired with his old skool vans. he pulled a black beanie on and put on a reusable mask on his face before he wrapped his hand in yours.

you both walked to the car out front and you got in the drivers seat. both of you buckled in, cal plugging his phone in and shuffling songs from his playlists.

"do you have the list baby?" you asked as you pulled out of the driveway.

"yup, on my phone." he wiggled it showing you. you nodded and sighed as you drove down the street from your neighborhood to the main street. you drove to ralph's in no time and when you parked you fiddled with your purse. cal came around, opened your door for you and you smiled pecking his lips as a thank you. he smiled holding your hand and grabbing the reusable bags in the back of your car.

"grab a cart would you, bub?" you said pulling your hair into a low bun.

"got it." he said as he pushed the cart through the front automatic doors.

"first on the list is bananas." he said looking at his phone. you nodded and walked to the produce section first.

shopping felt so normal for cal. he missed doing these things when he was away touring. he was so happy to do the "normal life" stuff, especially with the person he loved the most.

"alright, we got everything we needed. now we need stuff to make for dinner." you smiled up through your mask at your curly headed boy.

"mm, how about like, burrito bowls?" cal grinned, the only reason you could tell was because you saw his eye crinkle above his mask.

there was this one night where both of your burritos had spilled as they were not wrapped nicely. so, you ended up putting everything in a bowl and it was the best thing you ever had for dinner.

"oh hell yeah." you said as your eyes lit up.

"let's do ground turkey!!" you added as you skipped down the aisle to the ground meats.

"okay, and we already have tomato's, onions, guacamole, and shredded cheese." cal said.

"alright i think i want sour cream in mine." you said walking back over to the dairy aisle. you picked up a small tub and placed it in your cart that was now full.

"all done?" cal asked.

"mhm, i think so." you said. cal nodded and walked to the checkout area. you paid for everything and wheeled the cart to the car.

you arrived back home and put everything away. you organized everything in the fridge and cal was in charge of the pantry. when you both finished it was around 3:20 and you both slumped on the couch.

you laid down completely with your shins on cal's lap. he propped his feet up on the coffee table and laid his head back with his hands on your legs, light massaging them.

"can we nap for like an hour before we start cooking dinner?" you pleaded stretching and getting comfy on the couch.

"of course baby." he said turning the tv on and placing a throw blanket over the both of you. you nodded gratefully and snuggled up before falling asleep.

about an hour and thirty minutes later you stretched out and rubbed your tired eyes. you yawned and lifted your head to see cal walking in from the front door with duke on his leash.

"good morning sleepy." cal said as he released duke, duke immediately running to jump on the couch to you.

"hi." you yawned again.

"ready to cook?" he asked helping you up and hugging you. you wrapped your arms around him and laid your head agains his chest, closing your eyes for bit.

"yeah, just hold me for a sec." you said. he chuckled and you swayed for a good 3 minutes before he lifted you up and you squealed. he placed you on the counter in the kitchen and you laughed stretching a little more before putting your hair back up in the low bun. cal placed his hands on your thighs. you placed your hands in his when you finished your bun.

"okay, i'll cook the meat and start the rice while you get the toppings ready?" cal asked. you nodded and cal was about to walk away when you pulled him back. you held his face and brought him in for a kiss.

"mm, okay stop before i take you right here." he mumbled and you groaned smacking his shoulder.

"way to ruin the moment." you said getting off the counter and heading to the refrigerator. he laughed and got to cooking.

you both finished up cooking and began to prep your individual bowls. cal's playlist was playing on his speakers in the house while you got your bowls ready.

"wait before you eat let me take a picture!!! they look too beautiful not to post." you smiled pulling up your phone and going to your instagram story.

"smile baby!" you said. cal smiled as he held up his bowl and your bowl as he stood in the kitchen. you smiled with him taking the picture and putting it on your story.

"okay let's eat before my phone blows up." cal laughed. you laughed with him and you both sat at the dining table. you ate in peace stealing glances at each other once in a while.

"good right?" cal asked.

"too good." you said munching on the burrito bowl.

"bubba look at me." cal said. you looked at him questioningly and he giggled and wiped the corner of your mouth which apparently had sour cream.

"whoops." you laughed.

"you're so cute." he said.

"simp." you said.

he gasped, "you say that as if it's a bad thing."

"it's okay bub, i'm a simp too."

"you better be." he said as he continued eating. you smiled and continued to eat.

you both finished your meals and then moved to the couch where you cuddled up with a beer watching criminal minds.

"i miss gideon." you sighed playing with the rings on cal's fingers.

"yeah me too." he said.

you cuddled closer to cal and he rubbed your back while you slowly felt your eyes droop.

"go to sleep my love." cal whispered. you nodded and he kissed the top of your head.

"mm, i love you." you said.

"i love you so much more."


wholesome? i think so 🥺

leave a comment and a vote!!! also give me some prompts to work on :)


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