an educated queen

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in which you come back to LA after graduating from your university
1226 words


you were so excited to be back in california for a good while after being at university out of state. you had spent the whole week at your parents house catching up and hanging out with your hometown friends.

you had told cal that you weren't back in california yet, a little white lie to surprise him that weekend. sierra and kaykay arranged it all. they convinced cal to throw a little party at his house with some closer friends claiming, "we need you to have some fun." it turns out, cal was sad that you wouldn't come home until 2 weeks after you had graduated. he was even at the graduation so he had just seen you, but even two weeks apart from you took a toll on him. it also took a toll on you, so, again, you were so excited as you drove to LA, halfway to michael and crystal's house. you were going to go to cal's with mikey and crys.

you wanted to dress cute but comfortable so you settled on some black cycling shorts an oversized nike shirt and your favorite nike air maxes. your hair was half up/half down, the half up was in two space buns. you had some strands of hair out in front, to frame your face. makeup was minimal, not really one to wear any for that matter. you had the diamond studs in your ears that cal got you. you had a matching chain around your neck and wrist; cal also got you the chains to match him.

you pulled up to mikey's house parking on the street. you could hear crys screaming excitedly as she came out the front door, clearly excited to see you. you had to admit, you were closest with her out of all the girlfriends. you smiled getting out of your car hurriedly and hugged her, her height towering over you.

"she's a college graduate!" she exclaimed.

"that she is." you smiled.

"and she's stunning as usual." she said, hyping you up as always.

"stop, stop." you bashed. you both laughed and she held your hand as you both went inside their gorgeous home.

"look who's here!" mikey beamed with moose in his arms. southy was at your feet happily walking with you and crys.

"mike!!" you said side-hugging him and giving moose kisses.

"okay, we all set to go?" he said putting moose down.

"i'm ready baby." crys said kissing his cheek and grabbing her purse.

"how's cal?" you asked. you had been texting him all day and called a couple times. you did your best to sound sad, trying to keep up the facade even though you'd been in town for a while.

"he told me he's ready to get legless because he misses you." mikey laughed. you were all heading out back into the darkening sky and to mikey's tesla.

"oh gosh. well, i'm ready to get legless with him." you smiled widely. crys laughed and got in the front of the car. you settled in the back and began to take some selfies when cal called.

"wait guys sh, it's cal." you hushed them. mikey turned the radio off.

"hi baby." cal said.

"hi." you smiled.

"i miss you." he sighed. "cal stop sulking and take shots!" you could hear luke yell at him. you giggled.
"luke shut up!" he yelled back.

"i miss you too bub." you said.

"when do you come back into town again?" he said fiddling with the chains on his neck. he did that often knowing you had the same ones. it just reminded him of you.

"next wednesday, so just four more days." you said pouting that he was so bummed that you weren't there. little did he know.

"what are you up to?" he asked.

you thought, "uh, just driving to my friends house for a little going away party."

"oh, which friend?" he asked genuinely curious.

"liz's. she lives like an hour away from campus." you bit your lip, grinning because mikey just pulled into cal's driveway.

"alright well stay safe and have fun." he said.

"i will, i'll see you so soon bub. i love you." you said getting out of the car.

"i love you, darling." he said and hung up. he sighed back over to the kitchen to see luke and si taking some pictures with their drinks. the music was loud on the speaker system throughout the inside and outside of the house.

all of their close friends were littered around the house and by the pool. cal took his drink and took a sip. he was in his nine inch nails shirt, velvet pants and his old skool vans, chains on his neck and wrist.

"cal! come on man, you'll be fine. what's it, like 5 more days without her?" mitchy said.

"4 but i know, i know." he sighed. duke then began to bark.

"cal! we have a surprise!" he heard mike yell as he came in. cal came out of the kitchen, putting his drink down. he didn't see but most of his friends were recording behind him as he walked. he had a confused look on his face as mike walked in with crys next to him.

"this isn't like another pity gift, is it?" cal questioned.

"nope." he said and both him and crys stepped aside.

"surprise!" you smiled.

cal's jaw dropped and held his hand over his mouth.

"hi bub!" you laughed going over to him. he bit his lip, and engulfed you in a giant hug. lifting you slightly. you could hear all the people you love cheering loudly.

"i'm so happy to see you." he said into your ear. he kissed the side of your head, pulled you apart holding your face and leaned down to kiss you. you captured his lips with your own.

"ow ow!!" luke called out.

"an educated queen!" si yelled with her man. you smiled into his kiss and you both pulled apart.

"oh yeah! congrats y/n!!" ash smiled and soon everyone else was congratulating you.

"thanks guys!" you smiled as you hugged everyone.

"okay, shots!" ash yelled.

everyone headed to cal's kitchen as you both stayed back.

"you lied." he said looking down at you as you held each other's hands.

"just a little lie." you said looking up at him sheepishly.

"it made for a great surprise." he said smiling down at you.

"it did!" you said putting your hands on his chest and going up to kiss him again. he slid his hands from the small of your back and then down to your ass, squeezing just a bit.

"cheeky." you said as you pulled back.

"can you blame me?" he said squeezing some more.

"i guess not." you shrugged.

"you look stunning by the way." he said looking down at you. he caressed your cheek and played with the matching chain on your neck. he kissed you again, loving the way your lips fit with his. you made out for a while before your friends yelled at you two to go drink.

"it's gonna be a long night huh?" you asked as he held your hand guiding you to the kitchen.

"with what i have planned, definitely." he winked at you.


another imagine for y'all ;) comment and vote!

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