fuck off

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in which calum's friends are super protective of you 🥰
1458 words

@userbaeee this one's for you!


"i'm so excited for you baby!" you smiled brightly at cal. he was getting dressed for the concert that was about to start in about 30 minutes.

"i'm excited as well darling." he chuckled as he tucked his radio head shirt into his pants.

"it's your hometown, you have to be psyched!" you cheered as you stood there all giddy. "and, you look so good tonight." you smiled cheekily at him.

"i know, i'm excited to see my parents later. i think some of my cousins are coming too. oh and thank you my love you look beautiful as always." cal said pecking your lips. he adjusted his necklace as you blushed. you wore a yellow corset that was tucked into your black jeans and paired it with some docs to match with cal. you wore some simple layered chain necklaces around your neck and the matching dangling earrings. your hair was in a high bun with your hair slicked neatly on your head.

"thank you, gotta look good for you." you smiled.

"you look good in everything." he said in a matter-of-fact.

"you're so sweet." you said going on your tippy toes to kiss him. he held you close as you passionately kissed him for a minute.

"ah geez get a room." jordan and sam said as they walked in.

you pulled away and hid your face in cal's chest.

"fuck off." cal said.

"yeah yeah, you should be nice to us we have been taking care of y/n this whole trip when you have to do band stuff." sam said. the whole lovelytheband crew traveled with you and the other girlfriends to australia for the boys next show. so, sam, jordan and mitchy have been with you girls whenever the guys did promotion or interviews.

"which i appreciate, but you don't have to ruin the moments i can be with her." cal said. you laughed and kissed his cheek then went to grab a water and sit down with jordan and sam.

"you boys better keep her in your sights when you go out there. she's been hit on nonstop while being here." cal said.

"there was one guy cal." you groaned.

"one too many. i can't believe he flirted with you while you were holding my hand." cal scoffed.

"he was harmless." you said.

"whatever." cal said.

"damn, y/n, australian men can't get enough of you." jordan said and sam laughed.

"and i'm the only australian man who should have that option." cal said.

"come on guys let's go out to the stadium!" mali said coming into the room. mali also flew in from london so she could visit her family and watch her brother play.

"i'll see you out there, have fun bub." you said.

"i will, i love you." he said kissing you one last time.

"i love you." you said as you released. he smiled as you walked away with the guys and mali.

you gathered the other girls, well just kaykay as sierra and crystal wanted to stay backstage. so, you, kaykay and mali followed the guys out to the stadium's reserved area for family and friends of the band. as you walked, kaykay was on your right talking to sam on her right. mali was talking to mitchy and jordan in front of you lot. security was walking in front of your group to lead you all to the spot.

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