these hands can work wonders

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in which you attempt to teach cal how to braid your hair
1152 words


cal was just sitting on the couch with duke. it was currently 7pm on a wednesday and you were in the kitchen about to start a late dinner for the both of you. you and cal agreed to have vegan burgers and a side of sweet potato fries along with elote.

"are you sure you don't want help baby?" cal called out to you. he looked at you fondly. you were wearing some pajama shorts and a 5sos shirt you bought when you were 15. your hair was flowing down your back, little knots here and there. it was at that moment he couldn't help but become even more infatuated with you.

"i'm fine cal." you assured him for the 5th time.

"okay." he dragged out.

you began to cut up the sweet potato and soon after scrape the corn off the cob. you kept pushing your hair back to which cal noticed. he got up from the couch and stretched. he was wearing a white beater tank and some athletic shorts. he ruffled his mullet which had grown out quickly. he thought about getting it cut again but you shot down his idea claiming that you wanted his fro back. he padded over to you and you looked at him. he leaned down pecking your cheek and you blushed.

"let me braid your hair." he said bunching your hair up in his hands.

"do you even know how to?" you said putting the knife down and turning around to face him lacing both your hands in his.

"no, but you can teach me?" he said hopefully.

you furrowed your eyebrows, "you want to learn how to braid?"

"don't look so surprised baby, i just want to know how to braid your hair is that so bad?" he pouted.

"aw bub." you said and caressed his cheek in your right hand.

"come on, teach me? i think it could be cute." he mumbled and kissed your hand.

"okay you big softie." you said and pecked his lips. he smiled as you grabbed his hand pulling him toward the other side of the counter. you sat at the high top chairs and pushed your hair back.

"okay." you said.

"okay." cal said and played with your hair.

"so, separate my hair into three strands." you said.

"okay." he said and separated your hair.

"make sure it's even." you pointed out.

"got it." he said adjusting his grip.

"alright here comes the tricky part." you said. you heard him take a breath. you giggled.

"don't laugh, i'm nervous." he said.

"okay, okay sorry bub. now take one strand on either side and put it over the middle strand." you said.

"okay." he said and you felt him lift the strand on the right side, putting it over the middle part.

"and then grab the left side and put it over the middle part." you said. "make sure it's tight." you added.

"got it." he said.

"now just repeat until you run out of strands." you said.

"alright." he said and continued. you desperately wanted to watch him braid, so you pulled your phone out and used the front faces camera.

you smiled and recorded him. his bottom lip was tucked underneath his top teeth, and his eyebrows were furrowed tightly.

"you're so cute." you said. he looked up and smiled shaking his head.

you ended the video and cal grabbed the hair tie you had on the counter next to you. you felt him tie your hair and then he clapped.

"done!" he said. you smiled and felt the braid on your back.

"this is so good!" you said and brought it over your shoulder. you propped your phone up against a wine glass that was on the counter. you made sure to record it as well.

"i did good?" cal said wrapping his arms around your neck, leaning down with his head nuzzled next to yours.

"so good bubba." you smiled feeling the braid more. you leaned your head back to look at him. he smiled.

"thank you, i had the best teacher." he said. you grinned and leaned toward him capturing his lips with yours.

"mm, i know i'm the best." you said as your separated. he laughed and you joined him, ending the video as well.

"okay, thank you for the braid, but i need to cook us dinner." you said.

"don't, let's just go to luke's, the guys and girls are all there and i want to show off my braid." he said pulling you away from the kitchen.

"but what about the vegan burgers?" you said. looking back at the sweet potato on the cutting board as well as the corn half scraped in the bowl you had out. cal was holding your left hand, dragging you to your shared bedroom so you could change and go.

"we can just eat the pizza they ordered." he said and grabbed a sweatshirt for you tossing it to you.

"but-" you said and caught the sweatshirt before it hit your face.

"i'll clean up the kitchen while you get dressed, meet in the car?" he said.

"yeah," you said as he pecked your lips before leaving the room. you laughed at his eagerness. you put the sweatshirt on, putting some leggings on and then your socks. you slid on your air forces and walked to the garage. cal was already in there with the car running. you smiled happily at your boyfriend and closed the door behind you. you got in the car and put your seatbelt on.

"i can't wait to show the guys." cal said as he backed out.

you had a big goofy smile on your face as you watched him drive.

"what darling?" he said glancing at you as he stopped at a stop sign.

"you're literally the cutest human being i've ever known." you said squishing his cheeks with your left hand.

"i love you." he said.

"and you know i love you too." you said.

soon enough, you pulled into luke's driveway. other cars were there as well, you instantly recognized kaykay's car and michael's tesla. luke's car was also there so you assumed sierra's was in their garage, but that's beside the point.

"come on i already told the guys i have something to show them." he said.

"you're too excited about this." you laughed as you held hands walking up to the front door.

"okay hood let's see this braid that you supposedly did to y/n's hair." mikey said looking at cal.

"turn around baby." cal said excitedly.

you rolled your eyes turning around and glancing at the girls giggling at their men.

"woah that's actually really good cal!" crystal said.

"yeah, that's not bad." ash said.

"don't act so surprised boys, these hands can work wonders, right y/n?" cal smirked holding his hands up.

"calum!" you groaned hitting his shoulder.


another quick and cute imagine for y'all ;) hope your summers have been great!

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