sorry boys, but-

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in which cal is hanging out with his boys but you want him to go to bed with you
1042 words


"the boys are coming over, is that okay?" cal asked as you came home from work. to be honest, you were exhausted because the people you worked with were being idiots today and you just wanted to relax for the rest of the night with your boyfriend.

"yeah." you said as you walked to the bathroom to take a shower. cal was seated on your shared bed and his eyebrows furrowed at your short response.

"are you alright darling?" he said as he followed you into the bathroom.

"yeah, just exhausted so i think i'll just be in bed while you're with your boys." you said and began to strip.

"if you don't want them to come, i can cancel? we can chill in bed for the night?" he said, worried you weren't as cool as you said you were about having his friends over.

"it's okay, bubba, really. i'll cuddle with duke." you gave him a soft smile.

"okay, rest up baby, i'll join you later." he said and caressed your face. you nodded and leaned up to give him a kiss. he smiled as you pulled away and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

you stripped out of the last clothing items still on your body and stepped in the hot shower, immediately relaxing from the water.

meanwhile, cal grabbed some drinks and cigars, bringing them outside to the fire pit. he started the fire and soon ashton and jordan came over.

"where's y/n?" ash asked as he made himself comfortable on the outdoor couch.

"i think she had a rough day today. she came home kinda beat and said she was just gonna chill in bed for the rest of the night." cal said drinking his white claw.

"has she been working more? i know she just got that promotion." jordan inquired.

"yeah, and she's definitely been in the office more with her promotion. she's in charge of these tech guys and makes sure they do their shit, i don't know. but, she really loves her job and what she does, just not the part where she has to boss these idiots around. she always talks about how they hit on her and make her feel inferior because she's a woman which is so fucked up." he ranted.

"damn, does her boss know?" ash asked then continued, "because that's definitely something that needs to be discussed." he said.

"yeah, but her boss is one of the dudes mum i guess and let's everything go, saying that he's just joking and being immature. which is dumb 'cause you'd think she'd see how wrong their immaturity is. i keep telling y/n to bring it to HR or something but she keeps letting it slide because they're 'stupid and it doesn't matter' because in the end she's the boss and they really do everything she says. she just has to deal with the dumbass comments." cal groaned.

"i mean as long as she's happy, but make sure she never feels uncomfortable. that woman is like my sister." jordan said.

cal laughed, "y'all really act like siblings i swear."

the boys laughed and continued to converse into the night. they talked about the 5sos, lovelytheband, and just about anything music related.

you, on the other hand, were in bed cuddling with duke as you said, and watched criminal minds. you sighed and stretched out. you were wearing only cal's tshirt and your favorite lacey boy shorts underneath. you put your hair up with a clip and got out of bed. you got thirsty and padded softly to the kitchen. you grabbed a bottle of water, taking a sip while looking out the window to see your man and his friends. you looked at cal's curly hair, and his muscular build that was hidden under his t-shirt and sweats. you could've drooled at the way he looked so effortlessly handsome. he was laughing and ran his hand through his hair. you hadn't realized you were staring until ash waved at you happily. you snapped out of it and blushed, knowing you'd been caught.

"oh look who came and is just staring at you." ash laughed. cal turned toward the house and saw you waving at ash. he grinned at his gorgeous girl in the window.

you walked to the door that led to the backyard and peeked your head out.

"hi boys." you smiled softly.

"hi baby, want to join?" cal asked and got up from the couch walking toward you.

the rest of the guys began to talk amongst themselves as their friend left. soon, roy came out to the backyard from the side gate. he joined them at the fire pit while cal came to talk to you.

"as tempting as it looks, i'm just gonna go back to bed. but, since roy is now out here, come to bed with me?" you pouted.

"i can't just leave them." cal pouted back. you stepped out from the doorway and got closer to him. he looked down at what you were wearing and immediately placed his hands at the top of your ass slowly sliding down to your cheeks.

"but, i need you." you said and ran your hands up his chest and clasped your hands around and behind his neck.

"baby, don't do this to me." cal groaned.

"i'm not doing anything, i just want you. in bed. with me. now." you said looking up at him through your lashes. he squeezed your ass and threw his head back slightly and whispered, "fuck."

roy looked over at the two of you and chuckled.

"how much do you want to bet, cal's gonna leave?" roy said. ash and jordan looked over and laughed.

cal turned around with you behind him your hands clasped together behind his back. you peeked your head from behind his shoulder.

"sorry boys, but-" cal licked his lips.

"yeah, yeah go fuck your girlfriend not like we wanted to hang out with you anyway." jordan dismissed you both with a wave of his hand. you gasped and flipped him off. the rest of the guys laughed as cal blew them a kiss and you pulled cal back upstairs to your shared bedroom.


HAHAH why do i love this one so much 😂 anyway comment and vote hehe

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