anything for you bubba

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in which you wake up cal because you're bored and can't go back to sleep
1336 words


"cal." you gently shook your sleeping boyfriend.

it was 7:17 am and you couldn't go back to sleep. you had woken up about 30 minutes ago to the little bit of light peeking out of yours and cal's window. it was a lazy friday morning for the two of you. you had a three day weekend ahead of you, taking some time off of work while cal was on a break. you were so excited to get to spend some time with him without any distractions. work was hectic for you as you worked at the hospital nearby.

you looked up at the knocked out boy next to you. he was on his side, bare back facing you. his wild half blonde, half brown curls were laid on his pillow haphazardly. you smiled, just so happy to wake up with him in bed.

you sat up stretching a little bit more and grabbed a hair tie from the bedside table. you put your hair up into a low messy bun and yawned. you gently rolled cal so he was on his back. you knew he was slowly starting to wake up because he groaned and peeked an eye to you. you giggled and straddled his waist, sitting on the comforter that was laid halfway up his stomach.

"wake up sleepy head." you said softly, stroking his left cheek in your right hand. he stretched his arms above his head and placed his hands on your thighs, eyes still closed.

"it's too early." he rasped.

"no it's not, it's only 7:30."

"that's so early y/n." he slowly opened his eyes, rubbing them.

"come on, let's take duke for a walk or something." you said hands now playing with the matching necklace him and mali have that was on his chest.

"let's not and cuddle for another hour." he peered up at you, rubbing his thumbs along your thighs.

"nooo, we gotta take advantage of no one being up and outside. it'll be peaceful." you smiled thinking about a cute little walk you could take with the one you love.

"but i'm so tired." he frowned.

you frowned down at him and sighed getting off of him. you got back to your spot, pulling the blankets up and turning your back to him.

"bubba, don't do this." he smiled slightly at your childish behavior.

"i'm not doing anything, i'm going back to sleep."

"come on, i'll order breakfast from your favorite breakfast place and we can take a walk while we wait for it." he said turning you so that you were on your back.

"you're only doing this because you know i'm upset." you peered back up at him, pouting.

"i'm doing this because i love you and want to spend quality time with you." he said in a matter-of-fact.

"you'll order from vivian's cafe?" you asked.

"all the waffles you want from vivian's." he confirmed.

"we'll take duke out on a walk?" you said, his hand now caressing your chin.

"yes baby." he said. you smiled up at him and he reciprocated. he leaned down and placed a sweet little kiss on your lips.

"yay!" you cheered and sat up. he laughed and laid back down next to you.

"what are you doing? go order the food and get ready!!" you said excitedly. you went to the bathroom and began to get ready for the day. he chuckled and got up stretching. he grabbed his phone and dialed the number for vivian's cafe. while he ordered, he let duke out back to go pee.

"okay, i ordered our usual. should be done in 30 minutes and we can go pick it up." he said coming back in to see you in your grey sweats, a white long sleeve top that just met the top of your sweats. your hair now loosely braided on your back. you were looking the closet for your cropped matching grey zip up that came with the sweats.

"awesome! get ready handsome." you tried wiggling out of him as he hugged you from behind.

"give me a proper hug and kiss first." he said. you rolled you eyes and turned in his embrace and hugged him tightly pulling back to tilt your head up. you pecked him softly and he tried to deepen it, but you laughed and pushed him back gently.

"brush your teeth first before we get there buddy." you laughed. he laughed and walked away, out of the closet.

you turned back to your side of the closet and opened up some more drawers to find your jacket and put it on. you grabbed some ankle high socks, pulled your air forces out of the shelf in your closet and took them to your vanity. you sat down and decided against makeup today. you looked at your selection of earrings and chose your favorite little silver hoops. you put them in and cal came out of the bathroom and to the closet.

"hurry up bub we gotta take the walk before the food's ready." you said tying your shoes.

"i'm ready, i'm ready." he said coming out in a black half zip, blue jeans and a black beanie. he sat on the end of the bed and slipped on his black old skool vans and tied them quickly. you walked out of the bedroom and cooed at duke as you put his leash on.

"let's go!" you smiled and cal locked the door of your shared home holding your hand as you both walked down the street. duke was happily trotting next to the both of you.

"it's freezing." you shivered, cuddling closer to cal as you walked down the street.

"here." he said putting his beanie on your head. you smiled up at him gratefully and went up to kiss him. he happily kissed you back, stopping. you hadn't realized but you put both hands on his face as you kissed him, dropping the leash. duke didn't even notice and kept walking. you smiled into the kiss, both of you clearly so infatuated and mesmerized to not even notice duke was a good 25 feet ahead of you sniffing some bushes.

"i love you so much." you said.

"i love you- duke!" cal stopped as he glanced in front of you. duke looked up at his dad and just went back to marking his territory on the bush.

"oh shoot." you laughed and followed cal as he semi jogged toward duke bending down to get the leash.

"sorry duke, mom was distracting me and let go of you." he said in a baby voice while he was still squatting. he ran his hand through duke's fur and you stood next to them.

"hey! i didn't mean to." you said playfully.

"she loves me more than you buddy, sorry." cal sighed.

"i love both you equally." you said as cal stood back up, holding the leash.

"mhm, sure." he said taking your hand in his and continuing your walk. you laughed and shook your head.

"oh it's 8:34, we should start heading back to go get our food." you said looking at the time from your phone. cal nodded and you both made the walk back.

when you got back you let duke off the leash and cal grabbed his keys.

"ready?" he said. you nodded happily from the couch. you got up and followed him out to the car.

you both waited in the short line to get your food, bringing the food home. when you got home, you set up the food on the dining table and ate the delicious food.

"good?" cal asked, a mouth full of eggs. you nodded as you chewed on the waffle you were eating.

"mm, thank you for ordering the food and taking duke out on a walk with me." you said.

cal smiled at you putting a strand of hair that was out of your braid, behind your ear, "anything for you bubba."


comment and vote!!! happy new year's eve yall! cant wait to leave this year behind :( still grateful for everything positive that has happened this year, reflecting on the negative and everything in between. hope y'all are staying safe!

- h

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