"she loves me more!"

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in which you and cal tease each other all day 🥺 a cute wholesome imagine
1408 words


"baby, wake up it's 8:30, we gotta get to the venue." cal gently shook you.

"10 more minutes pleaseee." you said groaning and putting your head back into the hotel pillow.

"no, no we need to get up now sweetheart." he said going back into the bathroom.

"i need more sleep, it wasn't my fault we stayed up." you said, your voice muffled by the pillow. cal laughed out loud and stuck his head back out of the bathroom, "don't put the blame on me, i wasn't the one begging all night."

you gasped and threw a pillow toward the doorway of the bathroom, hitting the wall next to him. he ducked before you could even hit him and continued laughing.

"shut up, this is a two way street here, you wanted it just as much as i did, buddy." you said sitting up and running a hand through your tangled hair.

"okay, okay. now that we have that settled, can you please get ready for me baby?" he asked tugging a sweatshirt over his head.

"fine, but you're buying me breakfast and you owe me kisses." you said crossing your arms over your chest. he walked over and held your face in his hands, leaning down and kissing you gently, "deal." he smiled as he grabbed your hands and pulled you up and out of bed. he smacked your ass a little as you walked toward the bathroom.

"rude." you said turning around and gasping.

"couldn't resist." he said holding his hands up. you stuck your tongue out and closed the door of the bathroom. you got ready for the day ahead; cal was going to the venue to do sound check, had two interviews, and then was free from 3 until the show that night.

"10 minutes bub." cal said behind the door.

"okay, okay i just need to change." you said coming out. minimal makeup done, and your hair in a loose braid that sat on your back. you pulled cal's tshirt off and then tugged on a striped cropped long sleeve under a cropped shirt that you thrifted. you then tugged on your favorite jeans that you had also thrifted.

"this okay? or should i dress up more?" you asked putting on your necklace.

"you look great bub." he said kissing the side of your head and walking past you into the little kitchen area of the hotel room. he grabbed his wallet and held his hand out for you. you finished up tying your old skool vans that matched cal's.

"twins!" he geeked and you laughed grabbing his hand as he led you two out of the hotel and down to the lobby. cal's designated body guard met with you both and led you to the car waiting out back. fans were littered around and surprisingly, they were talking to you mostly.

"can we get a picture?" a girl around 16 asked.

"of course! excuse my casual appearance." you laughed and smiled with her for a selfie.

"you look so cute! i love your jeans!" she smiled.

"thank you!" you smiled, cal came over and held your waist, "we really gotta go my love." he said. he took a picture with the girl and you both got in the car, driving off to the venue.

"you're popular." he said looking down at your beside him.

"only because of you." you blushed.

"it's cute." he said. you looked at him weirdly.

"is anything wrong?" you asked.

"no. of course not." he grinned.

"are you jealous?" you asked.

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