a big, dumb idiot

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in which it's your birthday and he forgets :(
2258 words


calum had been getting ready to go on tour. he was extremely busy and on edge, more than usual. you were excited though, cal had promised that he'd have the day off for your birthday tomorrow. you were excited to hang out with your boyfriend, no meetings, no rehearsals, just you and him.

you were at your apartment playing with your dog, bud, and duke. cal usually had you stay with him when he was at rehearsals all day. just then, sierra called.

"hey si." you said throwing your dog's toy and him running off to get it. duke was chillin on the couch with you.

"hey birthday girl! i'm coming up." she said.

"okay, the doors open." you laughed and hung up.

sierra wanted to have a shopping trip with you. she figured since both of your mans were working, and that tomorrow was your birthday, she'd treat you to lunch before cal occupied you the whole next day.

bud and duke began barking as sierra opened the door.

"hey you two!" si said squatting down accepting the love that the dogs were giving.

"come here boys." you laughed and both dogs ran back to you. you stood from the couch and stretched.

"alright get dressed, we're going shopping and i'm treating you to lunch." si said putting her purse on your kitchen island.

"okay, okay." you said and she followed you to your room.

you rummaged around your closet and si sat on your bed. you were looking for your favorite leggings only to be let down.

"ugh! i think i left my favorite leggings at cal's." you poured grabbing some denim shorts instead.

"tell me again why you guys don't live with each other?" she asked.

"don't look at me like that. we've only been dating for 5 months. our 6 month-iversary is coming up." you smiled.

she scoffed, "onLy fIvE mOntHs."

"don't mock me, we just haven't talked about it. plus, in the time we've been together he was working on the album and now prepping for a world tour, i'm sure there's other things on his mind." you said. you put on a white tank bodysuit and then slipped the denim shorts on. you put on a black gucci belt that cal got you last christmas. you came out of the closet and put on some small diamond stud earrings. you sat at your vanity brushing your hair.

"whatever, i think you guys are ready." she said.

"well, i'm happy knowing he has the day off tomorrow so that i can actually have a conversation that lasts more than 5 minutes. maybe it'll come up." you smiled at the thought. to be honest, you had been wondering when cal was going to ask you to move in with him. he expressed before how it was pointless having this apartment when you were always at his and roy's house.

"ooh! fingers crossed!" she said.

you finished braiding your hair on top of your head, in a dutch braid and then into a little bun on top of your head, the rest of your hair down.

"god, you always do your hair so nice." si said sitting up on your bed now.

"thanks, now let's go i want to eat first." you smiled.

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