and what did i do to deserve this?

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in which calum working out turns you on ;)
1039 words


"mm, don't go." you whined at cal as he sat up in bed stretching as his alarm just went off.

"baby, i gotta go. i'll be at the studio until 12 and i'll have lunch with you here after i workout with jesse, okay?" he said looking down at you in the dark. it was currently 6am and still dark outside. cal wanted to have an early session in the studio, workout and then spend the rest of the day with his girl.

"but it's too early and i need more cuddles." you said making grabby hands toward him. he laughed and leaned down kissing your forehead. you held him close and he laid down smothering you with multiple kisses before getting up fully.

"i love you, go back to sleep and i'll see you later." he said and proceeded to get ready. you yawned, cuddling back up with the comforter and quickly fell back asleep. cal smiled at you and left without another word.

3 hours later you woke up stretching and rubbing your eyes. you got out of bed and pulled cal's shirt, that you were wearing, up and scratched your stomach. you adjusted your shorts as you turned the bathroom light on, beginning your morning routine.

when you finished, you made breakfast for yourself and sat down outside with duke while you ate. you sat outside for about an hour just basking in the sun trying to wake yourself up some more. when it began to get hot, you came back inside just in time for cal to come home.

"hi my love." he said as he came into your shared home. he leaned down kissing you softly before going to the kitchen. you followed him and sat down at the counter as he stood on the other side drinking his water.

"so, how'd it go?" you asked teaching over taking his bucket hat off and running your right hand through his mullet.

"good, good. we finished another song today." he smiled kissing your palm as it slid down to his cheek.

"it's really coming along!" you said returning his smile.

"yeah," he said grabbing your hand and playing with it. "jesse's gonna be here in 30, so i'm going to get ready."

"okay, bub, what should we do about lunch?" you asked getting off the high chair and following him to your bedroom. you sat on the bed crisscrossed and he went into the closet changing into his workout clothes.

"i was thinking we order chipotle today." he said as he changed. you turned the tv on while you sat there on the big bed.

"mm, that sounds good. your usual?" you asked. cal agreed as he came out looking at his phone.

"okay, jesse's here, i'm going to go workout." he said leaning across the bed to kiss you.

you watched outer banks while playing with duke on the bed. duke then jumped off the bed and just looked at you.

"what's up buddy?" you asked. he looked at you still, and then looked outside the door.

"what is it?" you asked getting off the bed. he barked and you laughed, "what bub?"

he ran out and you followed him to the kitchen where his food bowl was.

"oh baby are you hungry? yeah? let's get you some lunch." you said as you made duke's lunch. as he was getting older you mixed his hard food with some soft food.

"here you go." you smiled petting him as he began to eat. you stood back up deciding to open the door in the kitchen which led to where cal was working out in his designated area in the side yard.

you leaned against the doorway as you watched him work out. you had to admit, him all sweaty like this was a huge turn on for you. you blushed just thinking about how built he had gotten these past few months.

"3 more." jesse said as cal grunted and finished whatever set he was on. you coughed as cal finished, looking up and meeting your eyes. he smiled and shook his head looking away.

"y/n!" jesse said.

"hey!" you smiled and waved from the door.

"when are you going to join your awesome guy here?" he said.

"as soon as i finish rehab!" you said pointing to your knee. you had gotten surgery a month ago and began rehab. you were now on week 3 of rehab, making good progress.

"well i can't wait for you to join us. you're walking great now!" he said as cal began his next set.

"thank you, i'm feeling much better." you said.

"okay, i'll let y'all get back to it." you said and jesse smiled turning to his notebook. cal locked eyes with you again and you bit your lip. he raised his eyebrows at you, and playfully pointed to himself.

you giggled and turned away, feeling his eyes on your ass and you looked back at him winking.

"okay, cal, last set and you're done." jesse said and cal coughed finishing up.

about 30 minutes later, during that time you ordered chipotle, which was going to get to the house in about 20 minutes, you sat on the counter of the bathroom legs crossed with just a t-shirt on. it covered your lower half as you waited for cal to come in a take a shower.

"darling?" cal called out coming in the bedroom and then into the bathroom.

he spotted you and looked in the mirror noticing your bare ass.

"oh," he said taking his tank off and placing his hands on your ass coming closer.

"and what did i do to deserve this?" he asked.

"hmm," you said pretending to think.

"i think it was when you were out there... working out... all sweaty..." you trailed off, running your hands from his pecs to his shoulders and wrapping them behind his neck being him closer.

"it really, got to me." you whispered in his ear. you kissed the side of his neck and he groaned.

"you're going to be the death of me." he said and stripping himself and then lifting your shirt off of your body.

"come on sweaty, let's shower."


hope y'all liked it lol 😋
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