my dreamy boy

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in which you're drunk and very amusing to cal
967 words

it was just another saturday night and everyone was over at yours and cal's home. only this time, you were hosting a pre-tour party. it was mainly close friends of yours, but there were still a good amount of people.

"hey cal, where's y/n?" ash asked the mullet-headed boy.

"uh, last i saw she was in the kitchen with the girls," cal said. he was with her when they were getting their house ready but when everyone came over they tended to their guests. cal was out in the side yard with some of the guys just smoking a cigar.

meanwhile, you had been taking shots with the girls and some of the guys from lovelytheband. you didn't mean to get drunk so soon, but it was currently 11:10PM and you were stumbling with sierra while singing old 5sos songs.

"cal," jordan laughed as he came to the side yard, "your girl is gone."

"wait, what?" cal said handing off his cigar and getting up from his chair.

just then, he could hear you belt the lyrics of amnesia with sierra. the boys all snickered and followed cal and jordan into the kitchen and to the dining room area.

"-and forget about the stupid little things!" you were singing with sierra, her arm around your shoulders.

luke was recording everything cheering his fiancé on.

cal couldn't help but smile as he watched you sing. you looked so care-free and happy. he was so in love with you that things like this made his heart melt and made him fall in love with you all over again. he pulled his phone out snapping a quick picture of you and si and then stood next to luke.

"who let my girl get this drunk?" cal joked as he put his arm around luke.

"sorry mate sierra is an enabler." luke laughed. the girls finished up amnesia, taking a bow and giggling to each other. the people in the room cheered.

"thank you, thank you," you hiccuped, "that will be the end of my career so thank you for being here for my special moment." the small crowd in your living room cheered and cal and luke laughed.

"i'll be retiring here where i'll be spending more time with my sexy ass boyfriend, calum hood," you said pointing to cal. he put his hand up nodding to everyone as they all laughed and continued on mingling and hanging out. sierra laughed and cuddled up to luke and they walked back into the kitchen.

"hi handsome," you smiled up at your boyfriend. you placed both of your hands on cal's chest as he pulled you closer with his arms around your lower back.

"hi, you're drunk," cal laughed.

"drunk on how hot you are," you flirted.

"mm, i think i like drunk, flirty y/n." he smiled down at his girl.

"who's flirting?" you joked. he laughed at your witty-ness, his heart racing just being in your presence.

"come on, let's get you some water," cal said.

"nooo, let's take a shot!" you said running your hand up to his neck and the caressing his cheek.

"nooo, you need some water," he said kissing your palm.

"fine, i'll drink water if you take a shot," you said biting your lip.

"don't bite your lip at me missy, can't say no to you when you do that," cal looked at her knowingly. she had him wrapped around her finger and they both knew it.

"i'm not doing anything," you said running your hand through the back of his head where his mullet sat.

"you're so pretty," you said.

"alright, come on, you have water to drink and i have a shot to take," he stopped you before you could continue.

"yay!" you cheered, holding his hand dragging him over to the tequila.

"tequila?" he asked.

"no, teqwuila," you giggled pouring him a shot. he laughed grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"here baby." he said unscrewing the cap for you. you took the bottle and gave him his shot.

"cheers." you smiled and cheered his shot with your water. you both tapped your drinks on the counter then drank the liquids.

"come sit outside with us," cal said. you nodded and he held your hand as you both walked through the side door out to the backyard.

"wonderful performance y/n," ash laughed as he sat with mikey.

"thank you, i know, i'm just so good at singing," you stumbled as you walked with cal behind you. he sat down on a small outdoor loveseat next to jordan.

"i'm sorry that y'all had to witness my last performance, but it's for the best, can't outshine my man," you joked. the guys all laughed and cal put his hands on your waist, "come here you."

you giggled and sat down on his lap. everyone kept mingling as you settled in cal's lap, kissing his cheek.

"you're very funny tonight," he said putting some of your hair behind your ear.

"and you're my dreamy boy," you said looking at him lovingly.

"so many compliments, bubba, what's gotten into you?" cal laughed.

"i just love you," you said running the back of your pointer finger along his cheek.

"well, i love you, pretty girl," he said looking in your eyes.

"how sweet," you said biting your lip.

"c'mere," he said holding your face, bringing you in for a kiss. you melted into his touch, the feeling of his lips sobering you up some more.

"you taste like teqwuila," you whispered as you slightly parted from him.

he laughed out loud, the pronunciation hilarious to him. you smiled and laughed with him.

"you're something else," he said pecking your lips one more time.

"you're my dreamy boy," you smiled.


sorry it's been a minute since i've posted one of these! definitely had no motivation to write or post while in school, but i hope this makes up for it :)

hope y'all have a good start to your summer! comment and vote, let me know if there's any imagines you want from me!!

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