big bear, pt. 1

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in which you join cal and his friends on their big bear trip, meeting all of his friends for the first time :)
1624 words


"i'm nervous cal." you said on the phone with your boyfriend of 3 months.

"it's going to be okay, y/n, they're gonna love you!" he exclaimed through the phone as he packed his things.

"but what if they don't? it's going to be so awkward and i'm going to want to leave and then you're going to break up with me-" you rambled and cal stopped you immediately.

"-baby, if they don't like you, which they won't, then i wouldn't break up with you. they'd have to deal with the fact that you're special to me and that i want to be with you." he said sweetly.

"but again they are going to love you now pack your things for a week and i'll be over to your apartment when i'm done so we can cuddle before we leave for big bear tomorrow morning." he said and grabbed a couple graphic tees from his drawers.

"okay, okay. i'll see you soon." you said, still stressing.

"stop pouting, be there soon." he said.

"bye." you said and smiled.

he hung up and you sighed grabbing some clothes for the week. you packed all the necessary things for the week, shirts, pants, shorts, sweaters, and your favorite bathing suit sets as cal had told showed you the airbnb which had a pool. it was a gorgeous place right on the mountain; a big cabin, big enough to fit about 12 people. thinking about it got you stressed, knowing that you were going to meet some pretty important people in calum's life.

you hadn't realized but cal came through your apartment door with duke, letting him off the leash. duke immediately went to the little dog bed you bought for him that was by the couch. he placed his backpack on your couch and tossed his keys on your coffee table. cal called out for you but you were sitting on the floor of your closet biting your nails, lost in thought.

"darling?" cal said as he walked into your room looking around to see your luggage open on your bed and shoes scattered all over your floor. he looked to his right to see you on the floor.

"baby?" he laughed and you snapped out of it looking up at him.

"hi." you said.

"are you still stressing?" he said and held his hands out for you to take. you took his hands and he helped you up off of the floor.

"maybe." you mumbled and wrapped your arms around him, your face smooshing into his sweater-clad chest.

"oh y/n, please don't. we're gonna have so much fun! they're really excited to meet the girl i've hid from them for 3 months." he chuckled.

"i know, but i just can't help the nervousness." you said looking up at him, your chin on his chest as you looked up.

"it's okay to be nervous baby." he said as he played with the ends of your hair that reached the lower part of your back.

"i can't stop thinking about tomorrow." you said.

"do you want me to take your mind off of it?" he smirked down at you.

"cal! this is no time for sex! i'm stressing out." you exasperated and laid down on your bed, the part that wasn't covered by your luggage.

"come on, sex is a really great stress reliever." he said and put your luggage on the floor. he picked you up and placed your head on your pillows. he laid over you and took his shirt off.

"i- ugh, you know i can't resist all this." you said as a small smile formed on your face, you hands landing on his chest and dragging down to his stomach.

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