big bear, pt. 2

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in which you join cal and his friends on their big bear trip, meeting all of his friends for the first time :)
1915 words


you and cal arrived in the mountains and parked cal's car in the long driveway out front. you suddenly got nervous and began to bite the sleeve of cal's flannel you put on during the drive.

"alright, ready to go?" cal said and glanced at you just sitting there biting his flannel.

"bubba." he chuckled placing his hand over yours and bringing it toward him. you turned to look at him with worry in your eyes.

"oh baby." he pouted with you reaching over to kiss your cheek.

"i'm nervous cal." you whispered.

"there is no need to be. you've already met ash and kaykay! they'll be there to hype you up as well." he said.

"i know, but i really want to make a good impression on them. they're your best friends." you said as he held your cheek comfortingly.

"if they're my best friends then they're going to like you just as much as i do." he said and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.

"okay," you sighed, "kiss me first please." he smiled and leaned over to kiss you tenderly. it was a soft and comforting kiss and just as cal was about to deepen it, jordan and bennett came out hollering for their friend.

"caluuuum!" they called out tapping the hood of his car. they each stood by the driver and passenger's sides windows. cal laughed and rolled the windows down.

"hey buddy!" jordan said on cal's side. you blushed and looked between all the boys.

"heyyyy." cal goofed.

"so, is this the infamous y/n?" bennett said on your side. you smiled at him as he opened the door for you and helping you out of the car.

"hi." you said and stood by him. cal grinned and got out, going to your side of the car with jordan.

"guys this is my girl, y/n l/n." cal smiled as he put his hand on the small of your back.

"y/n, so great to finally meet you. we really didn't believe cal when he told us that he had been seeing someone for 3 months already." jordan joked and punched cal's arm.

"yeah, well she's real. baby, this is jordan and bennett." cal said and each of them gave you a big hug. your heart warmed.

"it's really great to meet y'all. i was so nervous to meet all of you." you smiled sheepishly. they laughed and bennett wrapped his arm around you as you all walked to the back of cal's car to grab your stuff.

"don't be nervous, everyone is actually really nervous to meet you, only because cal kept you from us for so long. the girls are especially nervous, but mainly excited to meet the girl who finally got cal to settle." he said and cal laughed sarcastically then smacked the back of his head.

you laughed at their banter and the boys all grabbed your stuff, leaving you only with your mini backpack and duke on the leash beside you. you adjusted your sunglasses on your face and cal wrapped his empty arm around your shoulder. you smiled up at him, grabbing his right hand in your right hand as you walked. he leaned down and pecked your lips as you entered the home. you could hear the chatter of everyone inside, gathered around in the kitchen and dining room. you let duke off the leash and he immediately went over to moose and southy.

"cal has arrived!" jordan yelled and everyone smiled, ash, michael, and crystal coming over immediately.

michael and crystal said hi, talking about the airbnb mostly while ash greeted you warmly.

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