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in which cal loses his bucket hat
912 words


"bub!" cal groaned for the fifth time, rummaging through his closet.

"yes, my love, what is it?" you asked, popping your head into your shared bedroom.

"have you seen my black bucket hat?" he asked.

"i haven't, have you checked the closet?" you asked, distracted with your phone.

"i've been in here for 10 minutes, i can't find it." he said.

"why don't you grab a different one? you have loads of 'em." you sighed texting your friend about her boyfriends issues.

"baby, i want my black one." he pouted. when you didn't respond he groaned again.

"help me." he dragged on. you furrowed your eyebrows reading the text that came in.

"pay attention to me you turd." he said crossing his arms over his bare chest.

"did you just call me a turd?" you asked shocked looking back up at him from your phone.

"yes, you're not helping me." he said walking past you down the hall.

"sorry, boy troubles!" you said waving your phone at him.

"well i have bucket hat troubles." he said looking in another hall closet.

"have you checked out back, weren't you wearing it yesterday?" you asked finally putting your phone down on the kitchen counter.

"no, i was wearing my blue one." he said going down another hall to his home studio.

"when was the last time you wore it?" you asked following him.

"umm, i think at the studio." he said  opening the door and walking in.

"maybe you left it there." you said looking around the room, his multiple basses, the ones he kept at home, around the room.

"maybe." he frowned.

"what were you doing anyway?" you asked. he had been in the studio, then in your bedroom doing something. you were inside helping your friend through her personal stuff. you were laid on the couch watching netflix and snacking on hummus and pita chips.

"i was changing into my swimmers and then i wanted to wear my bucket hat while i was outside." he said sighing and plopping on the couch in defeat. you smiled at him, finding the situation silly.

"why are you smiling at me?" he said peering up at you. you laughed and stood between his legs.

"you're just so cute when you're frustrated." you grinned at him running a hand through his blonde curls, his brown haired roots coming up.

"i'm glad you think this is cute." he pouted, his bottom lip sticking out. you giggled and leaned down kissing him.

"have you checked your car?" you asked.

"nope, but i will now." he said more perked up about the idea. he stood up and you were about to walk away when he pulled you back.

"i love you." he said kissing you gently. you melted in his embrace and kissed him back, tilting your head. one hand was on his chest and the other was on the back of his neck.

"mm, i love you." you smiled as your pulled back.

"now come on! we have a bucket hat to find!" you cheered holding his hand and walking to the garage door. he smiled happily, following close behind you. you opened the door to the garage and he grabbed his keys off the key hooks. he unlocked his range rover.

"got it!" he exclaimed holding it up. you threw your hands up and cheered with him.

"i knew it was here." you smiled.

"thank you bub." he said putting it on his head.

"want to lay out with me in the back?" he asked placing his hand on your back as you both walked back inside the house.

"sure, let me change." you said kissing his cheek and walking to the bedroom. he grabbed the two of you a bottle of sierra nevada beer. he put his sunglasses on and sat under the patio and took a selfie, holding up his beer.

"hot." you coughed. he turned around and laughed taking in your appearance as you held a towel and had on white tube top and your baby blue bikini bottoms.

"i could say the same to you." he said as you sat down on the pool lounge chair next to him. you chuckled and placed your hair in a bun on top of your head. you placed your sunglasses on and laid back.

"you want one?" he asked holding the beer out.

"mhm, sure." you said turning to look at him. you grabbed the bottle from him after he opened it for you. you took a sip and held it next to you while you laid back.

"this is nice." you said a hand above your eyes and your head turned to him. he glanced at you, smiling and then turned back to his phone.

"it is." he agreed putting his phone down on the little table between you two.

"where's duke?" you asked suddenly looking around.

"i'm not sure. duke!" he called out. duke came trotting outside and looked up at his dad.

"hey buddy." cal said picking him up and putting him on his chest. duke quickly laid on his chest putting his head down.

"aw." you said grabbing your phone and taking a picture.

"look at my boys." you said showing cal the picture.

"send me that." he said petting through duke's fur. you nodded and sent it to his phone.

you laid back in content, the both of you getting tanner than you already were.


comment any suggestions/prompts!!! don't forget to vote!

-h <3

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