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in which calum finally comes home to his two favorite girls after being away for 2 months on tour
2098 words


"hi my sweet girl," you cooed at your 3 year old who walked out into the family room. she had her hair in every which way, sleepy eyes that were being rubbed, dry lips, and just a big t-shirt on.

you were having a relaxing summer day. you woke up at 8, checked on your baby girl who was still passed out, made breakfast for yourself, and started a load of laundry. cal was supposed to be home in the afternoon as he was finally getting back to california while on tour. last night he performed in san francisco, and was so excited to see his favorite girls.

"daddy?" she questioned as she tried to pull herself up on the couch with you.

"not yet baby, he'll be here in 6 more shows," you said combing through her hair with your fingers. you kissed the side of her head as she cuddled up in your lap.

"do you want breakfast?" you asked her as she played with some of your hair.

she nodded her head with a grin and placed her small hands on either of your cheeks. she kissed your lips and giggled.

"oh, thank you," you smiled and attacked her with kissed all over her face. her beautiful laugh erupted in your empty home which attracted duke. duke trotted in and followed you as you carried your baby to the kitchen. you placed her on the counter and adjusted your shirt.

"alright, what do you want? pannies? waffies?" you asked, the adjusted words just sticking as that's what she called them when she was younger.

"pannies!" she clapped.

"pannies it is," you said kissing her cheeks. you made sure to place her in a seat at the counter and put the ipad on the counter so she could watch dora the explorer (her new obsession).

you began to work on the food, occasionally checking the time. you were equally excited to see your husband of 4 years. you celebrated your 4th wedding anniversary just before he left for europe.

"here you go bubba," you said placing the plate of food in front of her. you made her 2 small pancakes, some scrambled eggs, and 2 sausages. everything you cooked was either vegan or vegetarian as cal insisted on all of you going vegetarian or vegan, so you agreed. cal was truly vegan while you were adjusting by starting with being vegetarian.

"thank you mama," she said and grabbed her small kid fork to eat. you had cut up her pancake into small pieces for an easier way to eat.

"good?" you asked as you sipped your green tea matcha that you made earlier.

"mhm," she said with a full mouth and syrup around her lips.

you smiled and checked your phone to see that it was 10:30. only 1 and half hours until the love of your life was back home with you and your baby. cal truly missed both of his girls after being away for 2 months already. you did travel to the UK for the london, cardiff, and liverpool concerts. your baby had so much fun getting to see her daddy do what he loves most with his brothers and he was so happy that y'all were able to fly out for it.

you decided to finish up the small chores around the house to distract yourself while waiting. when your baby finished you cleaned her up and cleaned the dishes, letting her play with duke on the rug in the family room. when you finished, you switched the laundry into the dryer from the washing machine and then decided you and your baby should get dressed.

"come on, my love, let's pick an outfit for today. i think we should surprise daddy with a pool party!" you smiled as your baby lit up.

"swimming!" she clapped and got up to follow you to her room which was upstairs and two doors down from yours and cal's room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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