plant nerd

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in which you go plant shopping and cal wants you to come back home
1030 words


"dad, what about spider plants?" you asked your dad on facetime. he had always been the plant man in your house growing up. so, when you got into plants, you couldn't stop buying them. you really blamed it on the pandemic and quarantine because now, you were a plant mom.

"spider plants! they're the best! very easy to take care of baby." he said through the phone.

"yay! okay i'm going to get two of them, and some new pots. i need to find a nice one for my monstera." you smiled as you placed the two new plants in your cart.

"don't forget to grab a new watering can, i remember you telling me your old one finally broke." he said.

"oh! right, thanks dad." you said and strolled over to the watering cans.

"no problem hun. how's cal doing?" he asked.

"he's doing well! chilling at home for so long has definitely taken a toll on him, but he's just been in the studio at home and with the boys here and there." you smiled at the thought of your man. his curls were growing again and you didn't think you could be more attracted to him than you already were.

"that's good, he taking good care of you i hope?" your dad squinted.

"of course dad." you groaned. he laughed, "i'm kidding, he's a good man."

"yeah- oh speak of the devil." you were cut off as cal began to facetime you.

"it's cal, dad, thanks again, i'll call you tomorrow." you smiled and waved at him. he smiled and waved goodbye as you ended the call with your dad and accepted cal's call.

"hi baby." you said and immediately cooed as you saw him cuddled up with duke.

"bubba, when are you coming home?" he pouted and adjusted himself as duke squirmed.

"soon, i'm about to go check out." you laughed.

"okay, good because duke and i miss you. mainly me, but duke has been a little restless." he said. you laughed and you propped the phone up in your cart.

"what did you get?" he asked.

"just a few new plants and some pots." you smiled.

"jeez, i'm dating a plant nerd." he said.

you gasped and put your hand over you heart.

"i am not a plant nerd, i'm a plant mom." you said.

"ohh okay." he said sarcastically.

"keep up the sarcasm and i'll buy more plants and come home later than i promised." you said.

"okay, okay, i'm sorry. come home now." he whined.

"i accept your apology. and i'm coming home soon because it's too hot out." you said and put the plants on the counter to pay for them.

"good. duke and i are waiting." he said.

"alright baby, i'll see you when i come home." you said blowing him a kiss.

"okay, i love you." he smiled.

"i love you, bye." you said and hung up.

you payed for everything and unloaded your plants, pots, and new watering can in the back of cal's car. you would've used yours, however, your car was smaller and you knew you'd need more room for what you were getting. you made sure none of the soil would spill in cal's car because he always kept his car very neat.

you grabbed cal's favorite burrito from his favorite mexican restaurant on your way back to your shared home. when you got the food settled in the passenger seat you made your way to the familiar neighborhood. when you pulled up, opening the gate that enclosed your home, cal was waiting in the driveway with duke.

you smiled fondly at your boys as you got out of the car.

"go see mama." cal said to duke as he put him down. duke came running up to you, barking and tail wagging.

"duke!" you cooed and squatted down to scoop him up. you peppered his head with kisses and he licked your cheek.

"can you help me with the plants?" you asked cal. he nodded and walked passed you to the back of his car. he kissed your cheek before he passed you and you smiled.

you both brought the plants to the backyard and you directed cal on where to put them. at this point you had your own section of the backyard with your plants. you also had many inside, but that's besides the point.

"thank you." you said and grinned up at him.

"of course." he said and faced you, placing his hands on your face, pulling you up to him and met him in a kiss.

"mm, i also got you your favorite burrito. it's on the counter." you said.

"you didn't." he said as his mouth opened in shock.

" i definitely did." you smirked at him.

he kissed you all over your face and you giggled, "go eat curly."

he grabbed your hand and pulled you inside with him. you both ate the food and ended up on the couches outside. the fire pit was on and you were cuddled up together with a blanket.

"which one is your favorite plant?" he asked you. you were beat, to say the least, after shopping all day. your eyes were fighting to stay open as you and cal talked about anything and everything.

"hmm, definitely my monstera." you said and nuzzled your face in cal's t-shirt clad chest. he looked down at you and a little smile formed on his face. he brought your chin up and your eyes opened up a tiny bit to see him smiling down at you.

"what." you mumbled.

"nothing." he said. and you sighed going up to kiss him. you held each other close as you shared a loving kiss. you couldn't imagine ever kissing someone else when yours and cal's kisses felt like this. you pulled back and looked into his brown eyes.

he kissed you again and you kissed back with the same force. you could taste the beer he had on his lips from when you ate earlier. 

"i love you bubba." you said and pecked his lips again before cuddling back in his chest.

"i love you plant nerd." he said.


who else became a plant mom this quarantine?? i for sure did hahaha

vote and comment!! i have some really cute imagines in the works!


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