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in which y'all cook dinner together 🥺
983 words


you had just gotten back inside your shared home from walking duke around the neighborhood. duke shook his fur as you unclipped his leash and trotted off into the living room. you sighed and placed duke's leash and doggie bags on the shelf by the front door.

"baby?" cal called out from the back.

"hey, how was your day?" he said coming back inside, making his way to you.

"it was good. cleaned the house, went grocery shopping, and caught up with my cousins, but i missed you." you pouted, giving cal your best puppy eyes.

"c'mere my love." he said opening his arms for you. cal had been at the studio since early this morning, leaving you in bed to wake up without him. cal never liked leaving you, especially when he knew you'd wake up by yourself, besides duke of course.

"how was the studio?" you asked, your question muffled because your cheek was squished against his chest.

cal sighed in content, "it was great actually! we finished wildflower."

"oh my gosh!! wasn't that the one you played for me a couple days ago?" you asked looking back up at him, still in his arms.

"yeah! it turned out so good, i think. it's definitely one you're gonna love." he smiled down at you.

"well, i'm excited to hear it all put together." you grinned up at him and gave his lips a soft peck.

"mmm, i missed your lips." he said against your lips as you kissed him again. your lips pressed softly to his, his full lips that you absolutely loved molded against your own.

"come on, bub let's make dinner together, we haven't done that in a while." you said breaking away from him.

"m'kay, let me feed duke." he said holding your hand and leading you to the kitchen.

"d'you reckon we make, love?" he said grabbing duke's food container. as soon as duke heard the food, he came padding in, tail-wagging.

"how about," you paused looking through your refrigerator. "fettuccine alfredo with grilled chicken?" you said grabbing the chicken, heavy whipping cream and parmesan.

"sounds great." he smiled petting duke and pouring his food in his bowl.

cal grabbed the fettuccine noodles from the cabinet placing them next to you on the counter. you began to boil the water as cal rummaged through the refrigerator again.

"can we add broccoli?" he said holding the broccoli out.

"yum! i'm down." you said slowly adding the pasta. calum began on the sauce adding the butter, minced garlic, and slowly but surely the heavy whipping cream. you then began to season the chicken and cut it up throwing it on the other pan to grill the chicken. once the pasta was done, you drained the water from the pot. cal added the broccoli and stirred the sauce around. you added the noodles to the sauce and he kept mixing it on low.

you smiled at him fondly while he stood at the stove. he turned to you, feeling your eyes on him.

"i love you." is what you said as soon as he looked over.

"you have no idea how in love i am with you." he said putting his arm around your waist. you caressed his right cheek and went up to kiss him gently. he smiled down at you lovingly.

you blushed and went back to the chicken, grabbing the pan and adding the chicken to your pasta.

"all done!" you cheered. he laughed turning the heat off and proceeding to grab two plates for the both of you.

"where do you wanna sit baby?" he asked making the plates up.

"let's sit outside, i pretty much stayed inside all day." he nodded and you grabbed you both a beer.

"come on duke!" you said walking out to the back and to the outdoor seating by the pool. duke trailed along happily and jumped up to the couch settling down.

"i didn't realize how cold it was." you shivered a little as a breeze came by. you were about to get up when cal stopped you.

"i'll go grab a sweater hold on." he said jogging back inside and grabbing his santa cruz sweatshirt from the dining room chairs where it was hung over.

"here." he said handing it to you, sitting down on the couch next to you. you were soon engulfed by his, still, warm sweater and sighed. you pulled your hair out of the sweater and tied it into a low bun. you were about to grab your plate but a flash startled you.

you laughed and smiled big, looking at cal as he had his phone pointed to you, then to his food.

"had to document our delicious food and how cute you look right now." he said typing on his phone. you looked over his shoulder to see he put it on his instagram story.

you chuckled and looked down to your phone to see he had tagged you. you put the video on your story, many notifications popping up from fans noticing cal actually put something on his instagram story.

"thank you for making dinner with me bub." you said kissing his cheek.

"i will always love making dinner with you." he grinned adjusting the beanie on his head. you both began to eat, enjoying the silence and sound of music coming from the little speaker you had on the table, daniel caesar playing.

"this is so good." you moaned, a mouth full of pasta.

"we did good." he agreed taking a swig of his beer.

"promise me we'll cook together more." you pouted cuddling closer to cal's side.

"definitely, i promise baby." he said kissing the side of your head.


first imagine!! comment what you think! if y'all have any suggestions/prompts comment them as well! don't forget to vote :) have a great night (or day haha)

-h <3

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