new year, new friend

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in which you kiss a stranger at a nye party
1861 words


"crys i really don't want to go." you said on the phone with your closest friend from work.

"come on y/n!!!! it's new year's eve and i know you're just sitting on your couch drinking box wine in your pajamas." she said, music blasting in the background.

"okay first of all, don't judge my box wine, and second of all, pajamas are very comfy." you frowned picking at your black sweatpants that had paint stains on them.

"ugh, y/n, please please please come over! you can meet the band and everything!" she pleaded. she knew you were a fan of the band but also knew that you were very much introverted. she made a promise to you (which you had no say in apparently) to get you to come out of your shell and meet new people.

"crys that makes me not want to come even more."

"what?! i thought you wanted to meet them! you've already met michael." she gasped.

"well yeah because he's your fiancé and comes to see you at work all the time."

"alright that's it. you're gonna make me leave my own party to come and get you." she said. you could hear her ruffling around.

"what- crystal please don't leave your own party! oh my gosh, i-"

"nope, i already got the keys and i'm picking you up. don't worry i haven't drank anything tonight yet. i was hoping to take my first shots with you..." she rambled on and on while you groaned.

"crys, you're gonna be the death of me." you said.

"see you soon bitch!" she laughed and hung up. you shook your head and laughed putting your wine away.


crys knocked on your apartment door 20 minutes later and you opened the door to see your beaming best friend in a stunning gold dress.

"happy new year's eve!!!" she cheered and hugged you. you laughed and hugged her back.

"i literally have nothing to wear." you frowned at your friend.

"bullshit, your sister is a fashion designer and sends you shit all the time." she walked past you and into your room, to your closet. you suddenly regret telling her about your sister.

"alright let's see- WOAH you're wearing this no doubt." she said holding out this tan, silk wrap dress the was floor length. your sister had made this for herself but didn't like how it looked on her, so she shipped it out to you.

"is your party even that fancy enough for that dress?" you asked sitting on your bed.

"who cares? you're gonna look amazing!" she said excitedly.


"if you crys me one more time i will slap you. now go get ready." she said pulling you from your bed and pushing you to your bathroom.

you took the dress and began to get ready. you put on your makeup first and then put your dress on. crys helped you tie it up in the back and you put your matching heels on. crys straightened your hair and placed some earrings in front of you. you put them on and she cheered, so excited for you to come over.

"yay! lets go, you look fucking fantastic babe." she smiled and you thanked her, blushing. you both got to her car and drove back to hers and michael's house.

"the boys are so excited to finally meet you." she said as she parked back in the garage.

"really? you told them about me?" you asked nervously, running your hand through your hair.

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