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" 𝙸𝙲𝙴 "

"And I was like bitch never did you call my PO because I didn't want to get you a plan B." Trell said making me start cackling as we walked to the corner sto.

"I don't know what's funny, my PO was tripping too. Like it's not my fault you was pretty and I wanted you to have my kids." He shrugged and I shook my head.

"Mane, you blowing me. I wish a bitch would call my PO. She gone regret that shit when she 6 feet under." I said opening the door and walking in.

"GIRL GRAB THE FUCKING CHIPS, KNOW I DON'T LIKE COMING OVER HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!" I heard a girl shout at someone on the other isle.

Hate loud fucking females.

I walked to the back grabbing a blue gatorade, I walked onto the isle they were on.

"'Cuse me," I moved the girl out my way putting my hands on her waist.

Akikiki I love doing this.

I leaned down and grabbed a bag of takis.

"Why did that bitch just touch you?" I heard the girl friend ask her like I still wasn't right there.

"Leave her alone, she was just be polite." She scoffed.

I grabbed some sour patch kids, when the girl started getting loud.

"No because she shouldn't have touched you. And you just gone let her like I wasn't standing right here!" She yelled and she tapped my shoulder making me turn around.

"Wassup." I eyed the girl I had touched to see her looking down.

Damn she look thick from the front.

"Why the fuck did you touch her?"

Ugh, I hate bitches.

"You want me to touch you too? You could of just said that." I smirked and her face turned up.

"Nah, 'cuz I'm finna beat yo ass." She tied her hair up and I just laughed, pulling my shirt up revealing the gun in my pocket.

"We could fight or shoot. Which one you wanna do?"

"Come buy or go!" The asain lady at the counter yelled at us.

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