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I woke up seeing Ice slumped. One hand over her eyes and the other wrapped around me.

I moved her hand and raised up slowly.

She simply shuffled around some before going back to sleep.

She was really high before I don't blame her.

I grabbed my clothes off the floor and got dressed, then I opened up my phone and ordered myself a lyft.

I stared at her sleeping peacefully, aww.

I couldn't lie and say she wasn't fine. But just from how that girl went off on her I can see she got a lot going on.

I don't want to be anyone's second choice, or not treated right.

Picking up her phone I tried to open it and rolled my eyes.

We'll meet someway again.

I got another quick glance at her before going outside since my lyft was here.


"Damn, look whos up. It's finna be 3." Lia said.

We had a apartment together.

"I just had the best sleep of my life." I shrugged.

I walked into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of sunny-d out the fridge. I turned around and Lia gasped.

"WHAT?" I turned around.

"Yo neck fucked up." She started snickering.

I went in the bathroom and looked at my neck seeing red and purple hickeys everywhere.

"Damn." I mumbled.

I went in Lia's room laying down on her bed.

"Whoever did you like that got you bad."

"Shut up." I said looking up at the ceiling.

I waited a couple minutes before speaking up.

"It was Ice."

"ICE? You mean ol girl that's friends with Trell. The one from last night who did ol girl wrong?" She turned her phone off.

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