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" 𝙸𝙲𝙴 "

"What you mean you like her? You've only known ha for 5 days." It was now Thursday and I was driving to Makayla's house talking on the phone to June.

"So? I'm down bad for her." He said.

"She not even fucking with niggas like that right now. She just got out of jail, June. You think she wanna be with you? She went to jail because her ex set her up." I explained to him and he smacked his teeth.

"Now when you say it like that you make it seem like I'm tryna do her bad. I'm the best boyfriend material after Dee." He spoke referring to my brother.

"You will never be on his level. You close second but I don't know. Maybe get to know her a little bit more before you be on that I like you shit." I told him.

"I guess you right, but when you're in love your not supposed to wait."

Now, this nigga sounds dumb.

"You've known her for 5 fucking days," I said with a straight face. "You don't even know her favorite color. Just be her friend first."

"But-" He began.

"Ion wanna hear it. I'm in front of Kayla's house I'll talk to you later." I said hanging up the phone before he got the chance to say anything else.

He sounds dumb as fuck. I shook my head.

Sighing, I got out of my car walking to the front door, and ringing the doorbell.

Lia opened the door, "Good thing you're here. This girl is getting on my fucking nerves and about to start crying." She told me letting me into the door and closing it behind me.

"Why she about to start crying?" I furrowed my eyebrows following her to Kayla's room.

Her door was open by the time we reached her room. All sorts of clothes on the floor.

"Because she can't figure out what to wear." She said as we entered her room.

"Baby, what you doing we supposed to be there at 7:30 and it's about to be 7 right now," I said to see her wearing a bra and a pair of jeans.

"I don't know what to wear." She groaned picking up a shirt off the floor and looking at it before putting it back down.

"I tried to help but all she did was yell at it so good luck," Lia said walking out of the room.

"Here wear this," I handed her one of the shirts off the ground that was green and white.

"No, she's gonna say something about it." She shook her head.

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