Chapter Twenty-Three

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There's two more chapters before the Epilogue. I don't know how to feel.

While I figure out my emotions, LOL, checkout my new story and next focus: The Soundtrack of Us. Next chapter to that should be up a few minutes after this. Link is here:

Hope that works for y'all.

@iseeyourbootyhair & @yafavbitch_ y'alls comments get me hype EVERY. TIME. Never fails.

@MeineBitte I'm so glad you like my stories! & Thank you for the support!! I really appreciate it!

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...stay safe & healthy.


I don't know who scared me more.

Victor is absolutely intimidating. He towers over Dominic. He could squish me like a bug.

But Sean is a psychological menace. I know from first-hand experience.

So, putting the two of them together has me shaking in terror.

Sean walked further into the cave and extended his arm towards Dominic and I as he stood shoulder to shoulder with Victor. And he was holding a gun. Dominic's face was scrunched in confusion, and if I weren't so scared, so would mine.

"Are you two... are you working together?"

"It seems like there's someone else who wants you gone just as much as I do." Victor said. "He had a plan, and I wasn't gonna turn that down." Then, he pulled out a gun and aimed it at us. This isn't looking good at all.

I know Dominic had to have a million questions running through his mind, like how the hell did this match up even happen?!

"Enough talking." Sean snapped. "Luis, come. Now."

"He's not going anywhere with you."

Before I could even blink, Victor was chin-to-nose with Dominic, the barrel of his gun against Dominic's temple.

"I say he is, but before he goes," His eyes turned to me and I was too terrified to turn away. They were so dark and empty, the opposite of the rest of his family. "finish what you were going to say. Tell him why you actually brought him here. TELL HIM!" He nudged the gun against Dominic's temple at his silence.

For once, I didn't find Dominic's brooding silence to be a turn on.

"Dom." I whispered against his back. The gun eased off his skin just an inch as he turned to look back at me.

"Luis, I'm so sorry." His voice was thick with emotion, like he was holding back his tears just as mine started to fall. "I brought you here to avoid this. I thought... I thought I would—"

"Be able to hide out until the cops found me." Victor interrupted. "But you were wrong, you pussy ass motherfu—"

"I said that's enough!" Sean snapped and in an instant his hand was gripping my arm and dragging me away from Dominic. I tried not to show how much it hurt, but Dominic saw my wince anyway. As he reached his arm toward me, Victor wiggled the gun against his skin.

"Move again without me telling you to and your blood will paint these cave walls."

Sean turned to Victor. "You know how to get to your money and what to do with the car. We'll have no more contact after this point."

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