Chapter Sixteen [Part I]

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After years of dating and countless flings, Dominic finally experienced the nervousness of meeting the family.

He sighed inwardly as he parked his car in front of his boyfriend's childhood home.

"I can understand why I was nervous to meet your family, but I don't get why you're nervous to meet mine." He chuckled when Dominic turned to him with wide eyes.

"I'm about to meet your parents. The people that birthed you, raised you, and have certain expectations for who you date."

"Hmm." Luis placed a finger on his chin, as he jokingly considered Dominic's response. "You're right. But! They're also the people that taught me only to be with someone that takes care of me, adores me, and sweeps me off my feet. And you, Mr. Hernandez, have done all of thee above. I wouldn't be here with you if I didn't think they'd approve." He rose an eyebrow, daring the other man to disagree with him.

"I know you wouldn't, baby. I just don't want to disappoint you. I want them to think I'm the perfect man for you. I know you're a grown man and can make your own decisions, but their opinions mean a lot to me. If they accept me, that means someone else thinks I'm good enough for you."

Luis looked at him with a sappy expression on his face. "Oh, Dom. Baby," He leaned forward, softly kissing the older man. "You are more than good enough. And even if you think you aren't, you're the only one I want." He smiled and kissed him again.

It had been almost a month since the night of the barbeque. When the two of them awoke the next morning, on their sides facing each other, they woke up to smiles. Something transferred between them the previous night that connected the two like they'd never felt before. They had spent nearly every day or night with each other—like they couldn't get enough of what the other made them feel. It simultaneously comforted and overwhelmed them.

The two shared several kisses when there was a knock on the driver's side window. Dominic jumped, more than Luis did, which he knew he would get teased about later, and turned around to see Luis' younger brother, Renzo. He let out a sigh of relief. At least he knew this Williams.

"Mm. Mm. Mm." Renzo shook his head as Dominic rolled his window down. "Making out in front of the house. Mario is literally minutes away. Are you trying to give him road rage?" His dark brown curls bounced in and out of the yellow streetlight.

"We weren't making out, Renzo." Luis tilted his head. "Ooohhh, you dyed your hair. You're so gonna get it." He leaned in towards Dominic. "Our Mom has strict rules against him dying his hair until he graduates from school."

His younger brother shrugged, reaching up to tug at the light blue tip of a curl. "It's only the tips. She'll get over it. Besides, she'll be too focused on muscleman over here." He tilted his head to Dominic, who looked down at the dark green long-sleeved t-shirt stretched against his chest. "No offense, bro. I could use some pointers if you've got time—"

"Okaaaaay, little brother! In the house, now. We'll be right behind you."

Renzo sucked his teeth as he brought the headphone resting around his neck to his ears. "Stop acting like you don't wanna hear about his body. You know you interested." He turned his back to Dominic's chuckles and Luis' scoff.

"Oh, I can't wait to embarrass the fuck out of him when he gets a girlfriend." They unbuckled their seatbelts and exited the car. Luis watched as Dominic reached in the backseat. "What's that?"

The larger man pulled out a bouquet and a medium-sized, white bakery box. He lifted one arm. "Your mom's favorite flowers." Then the other. "A cake from your dad's favorite bakery. You said caramel anything was his favorite, right?"

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