Chapter Nine

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I definitely wasn't expecting this much attention, but I'm loving it 😭
I hope you all enjoy the chapter!
Pleeeaasee continue to vote, comment, share — all that good stuff!

But most importantly,
Stay safe & healthy, loves. It's a crazy world we're living in.

Luis opened his eyes and realized he was at home, in his own bed.

His skin was sticky with sweat, and his heart was beating fast, but he was home. Just as he sat up against his headboard, his bedroom door creaked open.

"Dominic? What happened last night? I had a nightmare and I don't remember what really..." He trailed off as he realized the silhouette walking through his door didn't match Dominic's frame. The figure moved towards him, out of the shadows of the hallway. Luis' muscles tensed and a fresh film of sweat covered his body. It was Sean.

The tip of the knife in his right hand gleamed like the ones in the movies. There was an empty, sinister look in Sean's eyes. It shook Luis to his core.

"Sean." He whimpered. "Please. Whatever you're thinking of doing, please don't. I have a family." Tears mixed into his sweat.

Just as Sean was approaching the bed, another silhouette appeared in his doorway. Before he could focus on who it might have been, the figure lunged at Sean, tackling him to the ground. Luis heard a nasty crack when his head banged the hardwood floors. Blood was leaking from his hairline and his eyes were wide open. Luis turned away, his eyes falling on—

"Dominic." He let out a sigh of relief as he took in Dominic's form standing over his bed. "Thank you. I... you saved my life, even after what I did to you. I'm so sorry." His hands clutched his covers tight as he fought the oncoming tears. As his shoulder shook, he glanced up through his eyelashes. Dominic was still standing there, watching him with a blank expression. Before Luis could question him, there was a slight squishing sound. Luis would've missed it if the room weren't so quiet. Then Dominic opened his mouth... and blood poured out. Luis screamed as he fell to his knees. Behind him was Sean, holding his now-blood-stained knife while his own blood dripped down the side of his face and over his eyes.

"Do you get it now, Luis?" Sean's voice echoed as the room darkened around him. "You will never be safe from me. Never."

When Luis really woke up, it was to the concerned faces of Maurice and Sarah.

"Luis..." Sarah was close to tears. He could see them pooling in the bottom of her brown eyes. Maurice wasn't too far behind, either.

"I'm okay." His voice croaked. Luis forced himself up, sitting against the headboard in Maurice and Sara's guest room. He placed his hand on her knee and squeezed, trying to bring her comfort as he felt his heart break into a million more pieces.

He had been staying with Maurice and Sarah since Dominic dropped him off, which was also the last time he had seen or heard from him. Luis didn't think going a month and a half without talking to a man he had only known for that same amount of time would hurt as much as it did. He realized he was more upset at Dominic's absence than Sean's presence. Maurice told him they talked every day. Dominic always asked about him first, before Maurice could even say 'hello'. He told him he was somewhere out of town. He even left the shop in the hands of his assistant and best mechanic. Luis didn't know whether to cry in relief or frustration. If he really cared, he would ask for him... right?

Luis' alarm broke the silence.

"I need to get ready for work." He struggled out of the sheets.

"Luis, you should—"

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