Chapter Fifteen

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This chapter has some adult activities, wink wink. **** will show the beginning and end of that scene. So, if that's not your thing, just scroll past until you see the second line of those stars, but that scene takes up most of this chapter, like 98%. just a heads up.

This story is doing so well with ratings, guys! Thank you for all the support. I'm actually surprised this many people like my story lmao. I hope the rest of the story will still keep your attention. Things are about to get a little wild after this chapter.

With that, I hope you enjoy Chapter Fifteen! Please remember to vote, comment, and share!

As always, stay safe and healthy!


Holy shit. This is actually happening.

Luis' thoughts were all over the place, just like Dominic's hands were all over his body. They were in the middle of his bed, Dominic in between his legs with their lips and tongues, locked in a dirty kiss. Luis was no virgin, but he had never been so attracted to any of his partners the way he was to Dominic. And he had never felt so attractive in return.

His thighs were burning from stretching to accommodate Dominic's large form. They were close to shaking when Dominic started kissing his neck. He moaned and whined at the soft kisses placed below his ear and along the base of his neck.

Dominic's hands slid down his sides and peeked under the hem of his shirt. "Is this okay?" His hands went still as Luis' body tensed.

There was nothing he wanted more than Dominic in his bed, but now that the moment was happening, his mind realized what getting intimate with Dominic would mean—complete vulnerability. He had come to terms with his weight by the time he graduated high school. The few sexual partners he had never made him feel embarrassed, but he knew once the clothes came off, they looked at him differently. He didn't want the same to happen with Dominic.

"Um." Dominic stopped what he was doing and pushed himself up to look down at Luis.

"Are you okay? Did I go too far?"

"No, no!" Luis felt a twinge of guilt at the worry on his face. "It's nothing you've done. I guess I just overestimated my confidence." He laughed at himself, a nervous, choppy chuckle. Dominic wasn't buying it.

"Luis, if you're not ready, I can wait, no matter how I excited I am." Luis glanced down at the bulges in their jeans, Dominic's tent much bigger than his own.

"I am ready! I promise. I just..." He fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt. "I just don't want to turn you off."

Dominic rose an eyebrow and looked down at his pants. "You do know that just kissing you is the reason he's halfway to full attention, right?"

"I know, but— wait." Luis glanced down. "That's only halfway?"

"I'm a fully proportionate man." He winked as he lifted one arm to flex. Luis rolled his eyes at his boasting, but he couldn't hide the excitement it added to his body. "But seriously. If I weren't attracted to you, Luis, we wouldn't even be in this position, both literally and figuratively."

"Why are you like this?" Luis snorted in laughter.

"Because I want to make you comfortable." Dominic's soft smile sobered Luis. "And I want you to know that I find you extremely attractive." He leaned down, leaving a line of kisses and beard burn down Luis' neck. "I've been wanting to get my hands on you since we first met."

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