Chapter Nineteen

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This is a long chapter, lmao.

Just a few personal notes: I've rediscovered a love for bullet journaling and have discovered a new love for avocado! Random, I know, but I just wanted to share what's new, I guess.

So drop a comment if you like bullet journals or avocados or this chapter! Especially about this chapter, lmao.

If I can't update tomorrow, because the timeline I drew before is just not gonna happen (I'm sorry!), I hope you enjoy and have a very fun, and SAFE, New Year!

There were very few times Luis can remember pouting when he was served food. This was one of those times.

"Five-piece tenders, curly fries and extra special sauce. Your favorite." Sara dumped the sauce packets next to the white paper bag dotted with grease stains.

Luis turned his pout to her as she dropped in the seat next to him.

"Oh no." She laughed. "Don't you put that look on me. You heard what Dominic said. I am not to take my eyes off you until you finish every bite of that food. And he's a big man. I don't want any issues." She shoved a curly fry in her mouth as she smiled in victory. "You better make sure you're at least halfway done before he and Maurice get back from Starbucks. Don't want him to punish you, do you? Or wait..." She put her finger to her chin as if she were in thought. "Maybe you do? I know I would with Maurice."

Luis grumbled as he snatched a fry from his own tray, grumpily watching people walk by from his seat in front of their gate. He ignored Sara as she started talking about what was next on her and Maurice's list of kinks. The airport wouldn't be the weirdest place she'd brought up that topic. The girl had no boundaries, which is how she and Maurice ended up going to Cabo San Lucas for the "besties baecation."

Luis thought back on that day with regret as he munched on another curly fry.

He had just got out the shower. The beard burn between his legs made him smile, and not just any smile—that goofy, doe-eyed, love-struck smile that only Dominic could put on his face. He wrapped the towel around his body when he caught his reflection in the mirror above the sink. The towel was forgotten as he stared at his body—a caramel tone that stretched, sagged, and flopped. It wiped the smile off his face.

Luis admitted to himself that agreeing to the trip was a hasty decision made in response to Mario's impromptu visit. He wanted to put as much space between them as possible. Mario's attitude toward Dominic already pissed him off, but it was the comment about Sean that pushed him over. The entire ordeal was hard enough to get through the first time; he didn't need it thrown in his face almost ten years later.

It wasn't until the morning after that he realized what he had done. He'd officially approved of the trip. Taking that back would've upset Dominic, maybe even break his heart, and that was something Luis would not be responsible for. Since Cabo was on, that meant weight had to come off. And fast.

That meant eating the bare minimum—or really, not at all. In the past week, he'd eaten a cup of grapes, half a slice of avocado toast, and one-third of a chicken breast with a few baby spinach leaves. The rest of the time, he psyched his stomach out with water and breath mints. He almost slipped up with a piece of bacon.

That was a tough day.

He hit the gym in his apartment building in the middle of the night, when he knew there'd be no one there to judge him. He did a weigh-in before he and Sara left to meet the boys the night before. He dropped seven pounds, but when he looked in the mirror, he just couldn't see it. Luis decided that he had to go harder. No more slip-ups.

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