Chapter Eleven

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Pure fluff. Like promised! I also lost some motivation, which is why it took a month for this chapter to be posted lmao.

I hope you guys enjoy it and decide that it was worth the wait!

Vote, comment & share! But most importantly:

Stay safe and healthy!

Luis was usually a very focused person, never easily distracted, but with Dominic's arms around his waist and face buried in his neck, his attention was drifting way too much to be chopping tomatoes.

"Your slicing is getting a little sloppy there." Dominic whispered, his voice like warm honey in Luis' left ear.

"Gee. I wonder why." Luis felt the vibration of Dominic's laugh against his back. As soon as he finished slicing and placed the knife on the counter, Dominic's hands gripped his hips, turning him around. "Are you trying to make me ruin dinner?"

"Mm?" Dominic glanced past Luis' shoulder at the ground beef cooking on the stovetop and the chopped vegetables sitting on the cutting board. "Well, homemade tacos do sound pretty tasty," He reached behind Luis, pressing their bodies closer as he turned down the burner. "But there's something else I've been craving for a while now."

Luis blushed as Dominic swayed them back and forth to the slow song playing in the background. "You keep me up this late and you won't even feed me?"

Dominic chuckled. "You can have all the tacos you want after I get all the kisses I want." He smiled in satisfaction as Luis' cheeks reddened. "It's been too long since the last time I held you." They leaned into each other, Luis sinking into his body as their lips met. Luis placed a hand on Dominic's jaw, caressing it as he moaned against his lips.

Luis tilted his head back and looked deep into Dominic's cocoa colored eyes. "Where did you go?" He dragged the tip of his thumb across the edge of Dominic's bottom lip. "All that time you were gone.... Where did you go?"

"I visited an old friend. He let me crash for a while. I was never far away."

"It felt like it."

"And I'm sorry." Dominic's reply came before Luis could even finish his. The tattooed man pressed his hand against Luis', holding it in place against his cheek. "I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry for making you feel like I left you. I felt... There was a side of me building inside that I didn't want you to see. I needed time to cool off."

Luis bit his lip in thought. There was something missing in his confession. Luis could feel it, but he didn't want to push. They had already spent so much time apart. With Dominic, he felt a connection he didn't feel in any of his previous relationships—a connection he had been wanting his entire life.

"Don't do it again." He whispered. "Please. I understand that a lot happened that night and we all need space to cool off sometimes, but the weeks of silence...."

"I know." Dominic finished. "No more silence. I promise."

"Okay." They shared another kiss. "Now, you know what I need you to do?" Luis whispered in a sultry tone as he slid his hands down Dominic's built chest.

"Anything you need, baby." Luis sighed in pleasure as Dominic trailed his lips across his cheek and down his neck.

Luis spread his hands across Dominic's chest. "Start grating the cheese so I can eat these tacos." He pushed himself from Dominic's hold and laughed as the man pouted in confusion.

"That was cold." Dominic reached for the drawer next to Luis as he started up the stove.

"And so are my tacos because of you." Luis laughed. "You should know better than to interrupt one of my meals. You've known me long enough to know that I'm a fat-ass by now."

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