BONUS SCENE: Why Are You Like This?

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I've come to a realization: I am destined to be the single friend out of my friend group, and will, in the future, be the fun and single godmother/auntie that comes to events in her private jet from international business meetings with gifts from foreign countries because the way these men are set up out here... a damn shame.


I'm still so shocked at how much attention this story gets and I just wanna say thank you again. Like y'all have really made this story surpass my expectations. This bonus chapter has been sitting in my deck for a minute, so while I'm in between chapters for The Soundtrack of Us and Playing with Wolves (go check those out btw!) I figured I drop this short scene for y'all to enjoy! 

As always, stay safe & healthy.

"Dom, I think it's getting bigger."

"From the way you were screaming last night, I wouldn't be surprised."

"...Why are you like this?"

"...Because you like this?"

Luis sighed and shook his head. "I'm talking about the rash on your leg, hornball."

Dominic looked down at the side of his right calf, splotchy with red spots from his knee to his ankle, then looked at his fiancé and shrugged. "Looks the same to me. I'll take another Benadryl and it'll go away in a few days."

"That's what you said a week ago!" Luis sat up on their bed. The black sheets pooled at his waist. "I think you either got bit by a bug or you're allergic to some type of leaf or grass or something in that park you played football at with your friends last week. You should really make an appointment with your doctor before it gets worse."

"Luis, baby. I don't need to see a doctor!" Dominic started to pull up the sweatpants he got from his drawer, but as soon as the material rubbed against his calf, he groaned and dropped the pants.

"Dom?" Luis leaned forward, ready to be at Dominic's side if he needed him.

"I'm fine. It's not the rash!" He said as Luis started to respond.

"And how do you know that?"

"Because," Dominic tossed the pants to the side and crawled on the bed until he was hovering over Luis. "That's where you usually dig your heels when your legs slip off my waist in mission—"


Dominic continued, smiling as he did. "And if you recall, we stayed in that position for quite a while last night." He laughed as his fiancé pushed him to the side, but the moment the sheets rubbed against that rash, he was back to groaning.

"That's it, Hernandez." Luis got out of the bed. "I'm calling your doctor right now to see if he can fit you in today."

"Luis, I told you I don't need a doctor."

"Either you let me make this call to your doctor or I'll make a call to your mother."

"...I'm pretty sure I have Dr. Stewart's number saved on my phone. I'll go get it for you."

That's how Luis found himself sitting in the driver's seat of Dominic's car, something he never got to do.

"I still don't understand why I can't drive back home." Dominic pouted as he sat in his passenger seat.

"Because what Dr. Stewart gave you is much stronger than what you've been taking. Drowsiness could hit you at any second and I would prefer for neither of us to be in a moving car with you in the driver's seat when that happens." Luis responded as he pulled out of the parking lot. "And you wouldn't have even needed to have medicine that strong if you just listened to me in the first place and went to the doctor last week!"

"Luis, do you see how big I am? And for once, I don't even mean it in that way. The medicine won't work... that..."

"Dom?" Luis glanced to the side to see his fiancé asleep, head kicked back and mouth wide open as he snored. "Woah. That's some serious stuff."

The car was quiet, except for the snores, as he drove, but a few minutes in, Luis heard mumblings.

"Luis...I love you soooo much." As he pulled to a red light, Luis looked over and expected to see Dominic awake. Instead, he was still asleep, eyes shut as his head leaned against the passenger window. "You're so...Luis-y."

"What?" Luis whispered to himself. Then, an idea popped in his head. He pulled out his phone and turned on the voice recorder. Just as the light turned green, he placed his phone in the cup holder next to Dominic. "I'm Luis-y?" He said louder, to make sure Dominic would hear him.

"Uh-huh." Dominic responded with a dreamy smile on his face. "Just like a... Luis."

"And what's a Luis like?"

"Like a... sun. With a party hat. And cotton candy."

"...Cotton candy."

"And M&Ms. Cuz you looooove M&Ms."

"That's right. I do." Luis couldn't believe he'd been able to hold in his laughter that long.

"Ooooo and a diamond ring cuz you're my finance."

"You're fiancé, yup." He couldn't wait to play this recording back when Dominic was fully awake.

"And the best part is..." Dominic's words started slowing down.

"Is?" Luis pulled into the driveway of their home.

"That ass." His head tilted back against the headrest as he let out a loud string of snores.

Luis ended the recording and sighed. "...Why are you like this?"

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