Chapter Ten

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The procrastination was strong this week, lmao.

This chapter is kinda tense, which was probably why it took me a while to write. But the next chapter will definitely be pure fluff because.... well, because I love fluff and I need a break from the crazy.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share! Add to your Reading Lists or Library if you haven't already! I really appreciate y'all spending time on this story.

Stay safe & healthy!
P.S. my birthday is in a few days 👀 October 17th babyyyyy. Libras where y'all at!!! IT'S OUR SEASON KINGS & QUEENS!

Once Dominic started, he couldn't stop. Every detail, because he remembered them all, spilled out of his mouth, one after the other. Soon, the story became the memory he tried so hard to repress. It played in his mind like a movie...

"It's your time, pussy."

Dominic's eyes bounced between the bag of guns and his older brother. Victor has never been a good boy, not a day in his eighteen years of life, but Dominic had never known him to do anything this dangerous.

"Vic, what is all this?"

"Vic, what is all this?" He mimicked in a high-pitched voice, what he normally did whenever Dominic spoke. It was like he took nothing his younger brother said seriously. "It's protection, you dumbass. Now, stop acting like a little bitch and get the fuck up. The little pranks you've been pulling are for babies. People know you're related to me and I'm not gonna let you and your punkass friends ruin the reputation I've spent years building."

"W-what about Angel? Mami and Papi won't be home until early in the morning."

"Ugh, you're fucking with my high, assface." Victor groaned, his friends laughing behind him. "Don't worry about Angel. I got it covered. I'm only going to say this one more time before I sweep your ass. Get. The. Fuck. Up."

Dominic rushed to his feet. Victor didn't like repeating himself once. He didn't want to know what would happen if he did it thrice. As he moved to slide his feet into his sneakers, Victor hissed at him.

"You can't go in that, you fucktard." Dominic looked down at his bright yellow t-shirt and red sweatpants. "You look like condiments and you'll glow in the dark. Go put on all black, fucking stupid." He mumbled more as he turned to leave the room. His best friend, Javi, made eye contact with him as he grabbed the duffle bag.

"You're thinking too much. Nothing's going to happen. This," he shook the bag. "is just to scare them. They'll give up the money and we'll be on our way."

"Javi!" Dominic turned towards the door at his brother's shout, but Javi kept his eyes on him. "C'mon, man. I need to recharge my high."  His friends laughed. Dominic always thought those two made Victor funnier than he was.

With one last look, Javi zipped up the duffel bag and left the room.

Dominic sat on the floor, leaning against his bed. He looked around the room before landing on Angel. The little boy went back to playing with his cars, unaware of the danger he was around. As Dominic moved to the closet, Angel spoke up.

"Love you, Dommy." He kept his back to Angel as his eyes teared up. He opened his mouth to respond, but Victor's voice echoed throughout the house again.

"DOMINIC! MOVE YOUR ASS."  He heard Angel jump at the volume as he ran to the closet. At least with all black his nervous sweating.

He spent the car ride squished between Rocco and Chip, who laughed the whole way there.

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