Chapter Four

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Dominic would buy a hundred books of dad jokes if it meant listening to Luis' laugh for the rest of the night.

"Okay! Okay! One more!" Dominic said as he watched Luis laugh across the round table. His face was slightly red from how hard he was laughing and his cheeks were pushed up to his eyes, which were also tearing up.

"I don't know if I can take another one. The people are starting to look at us weird! I should've never told you I had a weakness for dad jokes." Luis shook his head as he swiped at the corner of his eyes. His chest still jumped with small shocks of laughter. Dominic glanced around the room. Luis was right; people were looking at them, but not for the reason he thought.

Almost every table in the small, intimate restaurant was full. There was a bar along the right side of the restaurant and a few of the stools were occupied too. There was a mix of young couples, friend groups, and even older couples. Dominic and Luis' table was pushed towards the back, in a cozy corner almost over looking the rest of the floor. The people sitting around them smiled in their direction every time Dominic told a joke. Dominic convinced himself that it was Luis' laugh that positively attracted people. It was sweet, soft and genuine— like he meant every chuckle, giggle and snort that came out.

"No one's even looking at us." He'd tell whatever lie he needed to make him laugh again. "Come on. Let me tell you one more."

"Okaaaay." Luis let out a short laugh/sigh combination. "Just one more." He held up his finger as he sat his elbow on the table and placed his chin in his hand.

"Guess what Forrest Gump's password is?" Luis shrugged his shoulders. "C'mon. Give me one guess."

"I don't know." Luis chuckled. "Life's-a-box-of-chocolates?"

"Good one, but no. Any other guesses?" Luis shook his head. "It's 1forrest1." Dominic laughed as Luis kicked his head back. His shoulders shook as he tried to contain his laugh.

"I don't know where you got those, but I'm extremely glad that you did."

"It's been a while since I've used them. Most people don't find the corniness of them funny."

"But that's the best part!" Luis exclaimed. His eyes were bright with joy and the candle in between the hen illuminated that. "All jokes aside though, I think Forrest Gump's real password should be why-did-no-one-tell-me-Jenny-was-a-hoe1234?"

Dominic snorted. "What's with the Jenny slander?!"

"It's not slander! It's pure truth. She knew how much Forrest cared for her, how much he loved her, and she took advantage of that. People pray for someone to love them like that and for her to just... run away from it is kind of like a slap in the face. At least, to me it is."

"So Forrest Gump's your dream guy?"

"Not exactly. As sweet as he is, he's a bit too skinny and fictional for me." They laughed.

"What do you look for in a man then?" Dominic watched Luis carefully as his smile began to soften.

"Physically or personality-wise?"

"Both." Dominic sat up straight and kept his eyes on Luis'. He moved his glass to the side and sat his hands in front of Luis' on the table.

"Well, tall and..." His eyes trailed down Dominic's body. "strong. Someone with big arms. They always give the best hugs. Someone who takes care of themselves. You know— haircuts, clean nails, daily showers. You'd be surprised how many men think that's asking for too much. As far as personality... someone smart, respectful, kind. But I think most of all, I want someone romantic."

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