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First thing, RIP Michael K. Williams. I've been rewatching The Wire all week and I'm almost in TEARS son.

Second, boys are stupid. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.

HELLLLOOOO, READERS! I just want to say thank you to everyone who has read this story after I completed it. I didn't think it would get as much attention as it has been getting. It really touches my heart. 

I am still working on The Soundtrack of Us! Chapter 7 should be coming hopefully by the end of the month. I've started a new job and a new....something with a stupid boy. He's fine, but stupid. We gon' see how this works out. BUT ANYWAY! My mind needed a little escape and Luis & Dom have always been able to do that for me, so I hope you guys enjoy this bonus chapter I've had half-written for a few weeks and finished up tonight.

I hope you are all well and safe.

"Excuse me! Can I get some service out here please?"

Dominic stepped into the lobby of his shop, wiping his hands with a grease rag. "Sorry for the wait, man. I'm a couple people short today. How can I help you?" He stood behind the counter and eyes the man in front of him, a tall, brunette white man decked in one of the sharpest suits Dominic had ever seen.

"Hm." The man looked Dom up and down. "I'm here to pick up my car. The ruby red Maserati. I'm sure you know which one it is. I doubt you'd have more than one here anyway." His eyes trailed the walls of the shop in disgust.

Dominic raised his eyebrow at the man. Several insults sat at the tip of his tongue. He'd run into dozens of men like this one, and he knew as much as he would love to put him in his place, nothing he'd say would fix his nasty attitude. So, he went to the computer and pulled up the man's bill, printed it and slapped it on the counter. "That'll be $3600."

"That's a little high. Don't you think?" The man asked as he fished for his wallet.

"Maserati's may look nice, but everyone knows that you'll end up three times outta pocket what you paid for it because of repairs, or—maybe not everyone knows that, obviously." Dominic smiled innocently and took the card the man held out to him. He swiped it and gave it back. "You can follow me to your car. Your keys are in my office."

"Keeping the expensive cars locked up. Smart."

"I was just the last one that worked on it, man."

He led the man to the back. Just as he reached his office door, Luis walked out.

"Oh!" Luis clutched onto Dominic's overalls as the man happily held him to his chest. "You weren't supposed to see me, jerk." He punched his fiancé's shoulder.

"Ouch." Dominic laughed. "Well, you didn't choose a good hiding place, baby. Let me finish up with him and—"

"Luis Williams?" Dominic and Luis turned to the man behind them—Dom in annoyance, Luis in surprise.

"Drake! What are you doing here?" Dominic turned back to Luis, surprised that he knew the guy and at the smile on his face.

"You know him?" "Just getting the car repaired." The two looked at each other before looking back at Luis.

"Drake's been coming to the bank for a while, but I haven't seen you in almost a year!" Luis answered.

"I've been traveling around the country for work. We're setting up new offices all over the place, and Vice President of Operations needs to be around to make sure everything runs smoothly." Dominic sneered as the man ran his fingers through his hair and pulled at his suit cuffs. Is he... is he flirting?! With my man?!

"VP?! Congratulations! You used to talk about that promotion all the time!" Dominic turned to Luis with wide eyes. Does he...does he not see this?! Oh fuck no.

"You know, Drake." Dominic cut in. "It's getting pretty late, and you probably have plans. It is Friday night after all. Just follow me and I'll give you your keys and your car and you can be on your merry way." He took a step in the direction of his office, expecting the man to follow him, but he paid him no attention.

"You know, Luis, I remember the last time I was at the bank I asked you out for a bite to eat and a late-night drive." Dominic stared wide-eyed. Did he...did he really just do that?

Luis was just as wide-eyed. "Um, Drake. Listen. I'm en—"

"I'm free tonight. I can get us into that new lounge on 10th." He leaned against the doorway of Dominic's office and smiled at Luis. "You'd be surprised how many connections come with a VP title and a shiny Maserati." The smile wiped off his face at Dominic's shove to his chest.

"And Luis won't be one of them." He stood in front of his fiancé at full height, with his chest puffed out for good measure, and threw the keys at Drake. "As his fiancé, I'll make sure of that."

"Fiancé? Luis, I thought you of all people had... standards."

Before Dominic could spit the comeback he'd been saving since he met the other man, he was shoved to the side. He had barely caught his balance when he heard Luis' voice.

"I have the highest fucking standards, you stiff asshole." Dom's eyes widened at his fiancé's tone. "That's why this man is my fiancé now and will be my husband in just a few short months. And why you—" Luis poked him hard in the chest. Dom could tell by the way the man flinched. "never got more than a few laughs. And most of those were because I work in customer service. Even if you weren't as stuck up as you are, you don't have enough muscles to get my attention. So, take your shit and leave my fiance's shop. Respectfully."

Dominic had never seen someone's face turn so red so quickly. And he enjoyed the hell out of it. He laughed the entire time he watched Drake scramble with his keys and peel his car from the lot.

"Are you done, yet?" Luis crossed his arms as he leaned against Dom's Mustang.

"Whew... Okay. Yeah, I think I am this time." A few chuckles left his mouth as he unlocked the car.

"You sure? You thought you were done at least two other times while you were locking up."

"Because that was pure comedy, baby! Did you not see how red his face got?"

"That wasn't funny, Dom." They got in the car. "He said something about you that I didn't like and—"

"And you defended your fiancé's honor." Dominic leaned forward and kissed Luis. "Thank you, Luis. I really appreciate it."

Luis shrugged. "You always use your muscles to protect me. I figured this one I could handle."

"Mhm. You handled it, baby." He kissed him again, pressing harder this time, and sucking on Luis' bottom lip as he pulled away. "I got something else you could handle when we get home."


"Shh." Dominic started the car. "Just think about all the ways you want these muscles to repay you."

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