Chapter Thirteen [Part II]

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First—once again, I love the love!  Hello to the new readers and followers!! Special shoutout to: @natalitje for showing love on each chapter. Thank you so much!

Second—I was watching a Hallmark Christmas movie, because my family is one of those that likes to start before Thanksgiving, and I realized that I have never seen one that focused on a black, plus-sized main character. So, I figured, why not write one myself? Expect that before Christmas. Hopefully, by mid-December.

Third—Enjoy the chapter! Continue to show love. And as always,

Stay safe & healthy.

Luis thought everything was going well until he saw the way Dominic's aunts looked at his thighs. It felt like high school all over again.

The cookout was in full swing—music was blasting, kids were running dirt patches in the grass, and the cooler containing the alcohol barely stayed shut. Spending the first hour under Angelica's arm was more pleasant than he thought it would be, and Dominic's baby pictures were just as cute as he imagined. The little kids, and even the teenagers who Luis never even thought about approaching, were welcoming; even going as far as letting him toss a soccer ball around with them. Luis was pretty sure the few tricks he successfully learned from Mario were what interested them, but he didn't mind.

But the moment Dominic's aunts, Vivian and Andrea, arrived, Luis felt the looks he thought he learned to ignore all over again.

"So, Luis," Vivian—is that the one with the married boyfriend?—said. Dominic had given him a crash course in his family drama and history to calm his nerves. It was working until his aunts arrived. "How long have you worked at this check cashing place?"

Luis cleared his throat. "I, uh. I actually work at the big bank downtown. I've been there for a few years now."

"Oh." She frowned in disappointment. "I could've sworn Angelica told me you work at one of those dirty old check cashing places."

"No, Vivian." Angelica answered as she placed another bowl in the center of the table. "I told you specifically he worked at a bank downtown. You know the one. Fancy windows, sparkling floors. Cute tellers." She winked at Luis, which oddly slightly destressed him. He had someone else on his team and it felt good.

He and Dominic were at a table with his aunts, Angelica, Sara and Maurice. Dominic's Dad was busy manning the grill, refusing to allow his brother to burn another rib. Luis met him briefly and instantly realized where Dominic got his charm. He and Angelica didn't stand a chance.

"Hm. I suppose." She took a seat. "Well, when do you plan to put your degree to use? You don't want all that education wasted on being a teller."

"Oh, I don't have a degree—well, a bachelor's or anything like that. I have an associate from the local community college." He could feel the sweat beading on his palms as Dominic pulled out a chair for him. He thanked him with a shaky smile and sat down. Vivian's eyes followed his thighs as they spread against the seat, sticking out through the holes. Her eyebrow raised and Luis knew that wasn't good.

"You don't have a degree? At your age?" Andrea jumped in as she sat next to Vivian. "Don't you think that's a little risky? You want to stay a teller all your life?"

Luis was too shocked to respond. His nerves and desperateness for Dominic's family to like him got in the way.

"Tίas." Dominic interrupted. "Stop."

"We're just saying." Vivian said. "I mean, there's still time, thank God, but being degree-less is just not a smart move."

"I don't have a degree." Dominic snapped quickly. "Neither does Maurice." He pointed to his best friend as he and Sara rejoined the table.

"That's different!" Andrea defended. "You own a business and he's a firefighter. There's room for advancement for you two boys, but with Luis—"

"Okay. You two have talked enough and you barely got here." Angelica commanded as she took her seat at the head of the table. "Go check on the desserts in the kitchen."

"Sara, what about you, gorgeous?" Andrea and Vivian ignored their older sister and set their eyes on Sara as she began to fidget in her seat next to Luis.

"Luis is a very intelligent person. He has always known what he wants and always has a plan. Plenty of people have become successful without a degree and Luis can be one of them if he chooses not to continue his education." She turned to Luis with a smile on her face and Luis was reminded of why she was his best friend.

"So, you don't have a degree either?" God these two just won't stop. They should be detectives in their off time.

"Well, I—"

"Pshhh Sara has two." Maurice answered for his wife with a mouth full of chicken. "One in Marketing and another in New Media. She works for a big advertising company. They still bugging you about that new position, babe?" He turned to Dominic's aunts, who Luis could see never liking him at this point. "They've been pushing her to go back to school for this new position the CEO is creating. Said they'd cover her costs and everything."

Luis would give anything to make one of his best friends choke on a bone. And he could bet Sara would be the one to shove it down his throat based on the look on her face.

"See?" Vivian was shining in gloat at that point. "More degrees give you more opportunities. You choosing not to go back is you consciously not wanting more for yourself."

"Desserts!" Angelica snapped, her hand smacking the table. "Now." She stood up, daring her sisters to defy her again. Satisfied with their work, they followed. Luis was pretty sure when they returned with desserts, they'd be focused on his weight next.

"Hey. Baby." Dominic's rough baritone whispered in Luis' ears. "Look at me." His thick fingers gripped Luis' chin, tipping his face upwards. "Don't even think about letting them get to you. They're just old, lonely hags who can't get men that aren't already attached. You are smart and perfectly capable of doing anything you want to do."

Luis felt that familiar burn at the back of his eyes. He figured Sara must've felt it too, or have recognized his signs of distress, as she slipped her hands into his.

"And Maurice is stupid." Dominic leaned back to serve a slap to the back of Maurice's head as he kept eating.

"Ow!" He rubbed at the spot with the heels of his hand, barbecue sauce covering the rest.

"Listen," Dominic lowered his voice and Luis leaned in more, pressing their foreheads together. "I care about you. So much. A degree won't change that. I'm proud of you. I'm attracted to you. I want to be with you. Nothing and no one else can change that. Okay?"

Luis nodded his head. "Nuh-uh." Dominic responded. "I need you to say it."

"Okay." Luis couldn't fight the smile tugging at his lips to match Dominic's.

"Good. Now give me those lips." Luis chuckled as he pressed his lips to Dominic's puckered ones. They shared several kisses, quick pecks to one another, but that didn't diminish the emotions behind them. There was still a corner in Luis' mind full of the doubts, insults, and negativity that followed him his entire life, but his boyfriend's considerate words and confident tone made him feel a tad lighter.

"Mr. Luis?" A child's voice burst their little private-but-not-really bubble. There was a group of children standing behind them. The child at the front, Jonathan, was holding the soccer ball he kicked back and forth to Luis earlier. "Can you teach us that trick you did earlier?"

Luis always had a soft spot for children. He enjoyed babysitting—even doing it for free most of the time.

"Of course, Jonathan."

"I thought I was supposed to have all your attention?" Dominic joked.

"You will." Luis rose from his chair but bent down to whisper in Dominic's ear. "When you take me home tonight."

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