Chapter Sixteen [Part II]

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Okay, so this definitely has to be my longest chapter yet, lmao. I really hope y'all make it to the end. Shout out to the people who have stayed with me since the Prelude!! You are much appreciated.

Please remember to vote, comment, and share!

Like always, stay safe and healthy.

And if I don't post before Thanksgiving, happy holidays to those of you that celebrate the day! 

Dominic sat in his seat, lost for words.

"I'm just joking!"

He turned to pout at his boyfriend, who was laughing hard in the passenger seat.

"That wasn't funny. Not funny at all." He grumbled as he started the car. As he made to pull off, his cell phone rang. "Let me answer this. It'll be quick. I promise." Luis 'mhmed' as he answered it. "Ray! What's going on, man?"

"Bro, I got some good news." Said the raspy voice of one of his closest friends. "You remember my cousin, Mindy? She just came home from the service. Surprised the shit out of us. I'm throwing her a little something right now. I know its last minute, but I wanted to welcome her home with some fun before her mother suffocates her with our stuffy ass family."

"Of course, I remember her! She had pigtails and braces and used to chase me all over the backyard. That's great that she's home! I'm out with Luis—"

"Oooohhh the boyfriend?!" He laughed at his high-pitched, joking voice.

"Yeah, that's him." He winked at Luis when he saw his cheeks a bright pink. "We're leaving his parents' house now."

"Damn. I know you'll need a drink after that. Come by, but you might have to leave Luis at home. Once he sees me, there's no guarantee he'll want to stay with you."

Dominic chuckled. "Yeah, alright." He said sarcastically. "I'll ask him, but I can't make any promises for either of us. It's kinda late and we've been up since early this morning..."

"It doesn't have to be long! Hit my line if you can make it, alright?" They said their goodbyes and Dominic turned to Luis; whose eyes were halfway closed.

"Yeah, the only place we're going tonight is home."

"Noooo, Dom. Let's go see your friend. I don't want you to miss out. I can stay up for another hour or two."

"Luis, sweetheart, your eyes didn't open at all during that entire sentence. We're going back to my place, as planned." Dominic responded as he started driving.

Luis groaned. "At least drop me off at your house and go. He sounded like he really wanted you there."

"I've been to many of Ray's parties. I don't think he'll be upset if I miss one."

"Dominic, just go. Like he said, you don't even have to be there long. An hour tops. Say hi, show your face. Enjoy yourself. Think of it as a reward for how dinner turned out."

The older man licked his lips. "I'd rather have you for my reward and second dessert if you'd let me." He whined as Luis pinched his thigh. "Okay! Okay! I'll go, but only for an hour and no more."

He sent a text to Ray and drove off from the Williams' family home.

"How long have you and Ray been friends?" Luis asked.

"Since we were kids." Dominic smiled at good thoughts of his childhood. "Our families lived in the same building. He wasn't into trouble like I was and definitely not like Vic, but he was a tolerable prankster. He's the closest friend I have next to Maurice." He glanced at Luis, placing a hand on his thigh. "And now you."

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