Chapter Twenty-Five [Part I]

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Y'allllll, I'm sorry.

Thank you so much for sticking with me for this long! AND OH MY GOSH the activity this story has seen during my hiatus has just made me so happy. I read every comment and see every like and I love you guys so much for it.

To my new followers, welcome!! Thank you for giving my stories and my page your time and I hope we can get to chat and know each other better!

To those who've been rocking with this story since the beginning, y'all some true roaddogs and this story would not have gotten this far without you. Like 30k reads is a lot for me and way past my expectations.

Also, this was supposed to be the last chapter before the epilogue, but as I was finishing this up, I realized the second half of it (that's not included in this update) would've made it twice as long and I didn't want that. So, we're gonna have another chapter before the Epilogue, which also brings up another thing.....

Alright, I'ma let you guys get into it. Remeber, stay safe and healthy!

(Side note: The spanish is from google translate. So if its wrong, blame them LMAO.)


I had never been so happy to hear a police siren as I was in that moment.

Seeing the cars approach in a cloud of dirt sparked a flame of hope in my chest.  I kept my eyes glued to the rearview mirror, but it seemed like the closer the police were, the harder Sean pressed the pedal. Instead of using the side mirrors, he glanced back over his shoulder, jerking the truck every time. It felt like a rollercoaster that got out of control.

He must've driven over a large bump because, suddenly, we were both lifted from our seats. In the few seconds I was hovering, I noticed three things:

One, we were headed towards an abandoned looking airport.

Two, there were now twice as many cars than there were a few minutes ago.

And three, the doors were now unlocked.

Sean must've accidentally unlocked the doors. I could feel myself breathing harder, but I must keep it under control. It may look like all his attention is on the cop cars, but I know he'll snap right towards me the moment I go for the door handle. Besides, how I could I survive a jump at the speed he's going?

Pop. Pop. Pop.

He's shooting at the cops?!

This shouldn't surprise me but come on. If the police shoot back, there's even less of a chance I'll make it out of this alive. I won't get to see my future nieces and nephews. Or even my own kids... with Dominic. I really tried to hold those tears back, but I couldn't. Here I am in the passenger seat of a more-than-likely stolen, beat-up truck being chased by the Mexican police. This is a situation I'm not sure how to get out of, especially alone.

It seemed like the cop cars were getting closer the closer Sean got to the airport gates. On the other side, in the middle of an empty runway, sat a small rickety plane. It probably only had one good ride left in it.

Over the sounds of sirens and the wind whipping past us, I could hear something being said through a speaker. Sean heard it, too. Next thing I know his gun is trained on me.

"What the fuck are they saying?"

"Uh..." I closed my eyes tightly trying to focus, but with a gun turned on me and being in a car going 90 miles per hour was making that difficult. "Pull over! They said to put the gun down and pull over."

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