[26] Facing The Enemy

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A/N: This going to be a long chapter.

Chapter 26

Lilliana's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was in a room.

I looked around and tried to move my hands and feet but I noticed they were tied to the chair that I'm currently sitting on.

Hey, we've been in this situation before.

I know, Lolliana. It's when Reece captured me, remember?

And now his dickhead of a brother captured you.

Yes, Douchenia. Yes.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we have here! It's my old-crush-but too-oblivious-to-notice-it, Lilliana." Raymond suddenly appeared as he clapped slowly.

What an entrance.

And he is still talking about the crush thing again?

"Ah... Lilliana-" He started to walked towards me and caress his fingers across my cheek. I pulled away. "-you were so madly in love with Reece. You were so oblivious to the fact that he didn't love you as much as I did, Kitty. I could have loved you 100 times better than that assshole but you decided to just stick with him!" He said with his voice getting louder and louder by the minute.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN DID YOU CAUSED ME?!" He asked while he smashed his fist onto a table. I did not notice that there. "I always give you flowers, chocolates, your favourite ice cream but what do I get in return?! NOTHING! I loved you like no one could ever loved anyone, Lilly but you decided just to throw that away and date my brother who is now in that damn jail!

And you just had to have a crush on Ashton too while you're dating Reece now, do you?!" He stopped to catch his breath. Or maybe just for dramatic effect. Maybe, Douchenia. Let it all out, Raymond. Let it all out. Seriously, Lolliana? I can see her shrugging in my head.

But then, Raymond's face turned into a smirk. A bad smirk.

"But don't worry,-" He grabbed my chin forcefully. "-now I have you all to myself and I can have sex with you like Reece almost did, but instead of 'almost', I will do it, Kitty and you will enjoy every second of it."

Again with the sex? What's wrong with the O'Connor brothers? Are they that horny?

Then we heard knocking. Everyone, including the two people which is probably Raymond's right hand and nerd (because he has glasses in his pocket), snapped their heads towards the door.

The door opened and I gasped.

"Cous? Ray? Could you tell me where are the- Lilliana?" Danielle asked with wide eyes. I could see her baby bump a little through her shirt.

But there's only one thing in my mind now:


I did NOT see that coming.

Danielle's POV (first time people)

Why the hell is Lilliana captured by Raymond? When he told me he wants to capture someone I didn't know that he meant my friend!

"Dani, get out and forget this ever happens. If you tell anyone about this, I will not hesitate to kill your child." I gasped and put my hand on my belly. I also heard a gasp which I think belongs to Lilliana. "NO! Don't kill her baby! Kill me instead! Kill me!" I quickly closed the door and back out.

I dialed Dwayne's cell phone which is on speed dial in case of emergencies like this on. After a ring, he picked up. "WHAT HAPPENED?! ARE YOU GOING TO LABOR?!" I rolled my eyes as I walked towards the guest room that I'm currently staying at for awhile.

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