[11] Debating Teories & Random People

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Chapter 11

Lilliana's POV

"We've got one problem though." Ashton stated. I arched an eyebrow. "Which is?" He sighed. "Remember our 'rental' car?" He asked. Then, it hit me. "Oh yeah. U mean our car which u stole?" I said, challenging him. Jackson's eyes widen. "U stole a car? Wow, a little extreme, don't u think?" He said, amused by his own best friend.

"I didn't stole the god damn car! The stupid owner left the keys there so I just drive it." Ashton explained. Jackson snickered. "I'll consider that as 'stealing'." Yeah, bitchachos!

Ashton: 0 , Lilliana: 1

"See? Even your own best friend that u r stealing." I said while smirking. He huffed. "Violet, what do u think about this?" He asked. Violet tapped her chin. "I think I'm going with Ashton on this one. I mean, it's clearly the owners fault for being so oblivious." She stated.

"Ha! Even your own best friend agrees with me." He jumped like a kid on Christmas morning.

Ashton: 1, Lilliana: 1

We need to kick it up a notch if we wanna win this debate, Lilliana.

I agree, Lolliana. Think, think, think!

Aha! I know! I know! How about we ask a random person about this debate?

Yeah! Good idea, Lolliana.


"Hey, how about we ask a random person about this so we can know who win this debate?" I suggested. Everyone nodded, agreeing. "Okay then. The loser wil drive us halfway to Kuala Lumpur. Deal?" Ashton took our his hand to let me shake. I shook it. "Deal."

Violet clapped her hands. "So who is going to ask?" Jackson & Ashton pointed at me. "Why?" I groaned. "Because u were the one who gave us the idea. So u should do the honours of asking a random person." Jackson explained.

"Is this because u r scared of a Singaporean angry at u? & u don't need to take the blame if I did something wrong?" I raised an eyebrow.

"U could say that." He smiled innocently.

I rolled my eyes & shook my head. "Jackass." I muttered under my breathe. He jerked his head towards me. "What did u say?" He asked. I smiled innocently, the same one that he put on just now. "Jackass." I said slowly. He was about to say something but stopped.

He gestured me to go on ask a random person & Violet gave me a thumbs up. I looked around & spotted a pretty brunette talking to a black-haired guy. I started walking towards them. "Hello!" I chirped happily. They both snapped their heads towards me.

"May I help u?" The guy asked. I nodded but then started scratching the back of my neck.

How the hell am I going to explain?

"Um... Can I ask u guys something?" I asked politely. They both nodded. "If a certain someone, like a very moronic person took a car... uh... which has the keys inside the car, what do u think it is? Borrowed or stole?" I asked. They both looked at each other. Then, the girl talked first. "I'm going to say the person 'borrowed' it becuase I mean, who left their keys in their cars?" She stated.

Dammit. Ashton: 2, Lilliana: 1

"How about u?" I asked the guy.

Please say my teory. Please say my teory.

"I'm going to say that is 'stealing'. U didn't ask the damn driver so I'm going to say its stealing." He stated. I smiled.

Ashton: 2, Lilliana: 2. Oh man, its's a tie!

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