[14] Holy Mother Of Fudge Cakes!

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Chapter 14

Lilliana's POV

"I can't take it. We should get a motel to stay in for the night in Melaka." Ashton stated & yawned afterwards. I nodded, even though he can't see it. "Yeah. I'm tired too." I stated.

"Me three." Jackson said as a yawn escapes his mouth.

"Me four. Hey! That's One Direction's latest album." Violet exclaimed but then yawned.

Ashton huffed. "Please stop with the One Direction thing." He said. Now it was Violet's turn to huff. "Says the guy who like Louis." She murmured under her breath. I giggled at the sight of her cursing Ashton just because he was talking about her favorite band in a bad way.

"I can hear u cursing me, Colour." Vi laughed. "That's the whole point, right?" Ashton rolled his eyes but still smile. I couldn't help but a smile also found its way to my face. "How about we stopped at that motel?" Jackson pointed at a red-painted building. Violet nodded. "I guess that's okay. It has air-conditioners so yeah." She stated.

Suddenly, someone knocked Ashton's window. He rolled it down to face the person. "Yeah?" He asked. The person was asking Ashton directions & I pretty much zoned out. Then, somebody tapped my shoulder. I turned & saw Violet looking at me with a worried face. I raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" She quickly covered my mouth & hushed me. She pointed at the mystery guy who is still asking Ashton about the directions. I shook my head, not understanding what is the problem. She rolled her eyes & pointed at what the guy was holding at the back of his hands.

My eyes widen & Violet's hand left my mouth. Which is probably a good or bad idea.

"HOLY MOTHER OF FUDGE CAKES! Ashton, watch out!" I yelled.

But it was too late. The guy already took out his knife & sliced Ashton's wrist. He yelped in pain but recovered quickly by opening the door & punch the guy in the jaw.

Well, that's going to leave a mark.

Jackson decided to help him & kicked the dude's friend. "Oh my god. R we going to die, Lil' Li?" Violet panicked. I rubbed her back. "No, Vi. We r not going to die." I assured her but in some twisted way, I was also telling myself.

Jackson's POV

"Jackson!" Ashton shouted as he punched another guy.

God, where the motherfuckin' hell r these people from? And who r they?

Before I could process everything, I heard a crack. I turned & saw Ashton punching a guy's nose. "U were distracted." He hissed. Always in a pissed mood when we got into a fight. "Sorry. I was thinking about who r these people." I said. He shook his head. "We must always be ready, Jackson." I nodded.

But then, we heard a gun being loaded. "Dude? The fuck?" Ashton hushed me & walked towards me slowly. "Where does Wayne keep his weapons?" He asked. I pointed to the trunk of the car. "Usually at the back." I stated. We both walked slowly to the back of the car to prevent the person from shooting.

Ashton opened the trunk to take out Wayne's back up weapons. We both opened the 2nd layer because that's the hidden part. Me & Ashton's eyes widen as we see the weapon. I blew out a low whistle. Ashton slowly take out the 2 things & smacked his forehead.

"Seriously, Wayne?! 2 golf fucking clubs?! God, u seriously let me down." Ashton rubbed his templets. I put an arm on his shoulder. "Hey man. At least this isn't worser than that time, right?" He sighed but nodded. "I was expecting guns & knifes when I told him to ship his car here. Not..." He sighed again.

The life of being a leader.

He didn't say much but gave me one of the clubs. "This time, get ready. They could strike anytime." He ordered. I nodded. "Who do u think is behind all this?" I asked as I eyed around the place to check for more people who's going to make a move. Ashton also looked inside the car to make sure his lady & her friend is okay.

God, thinking about this makes me miss Kylie.

He shook his head & faced me. "I don't really know but my instincts r telling me that it's Raymond." He said in a quiet tone. I raised an eyebrow. "Raymond? As in Reece's 1 year younger brother?" He nodded. I shook my head. "Why is he here & how do u know? Plus, I thought we already eliminate him 2 years ago." I stated.

But when he wants to open his mouth to answer me, a gun shoot was heard. Then, the doors open & the 2 girls run out. "What the hell was that?" Lilliana asked as she stood behind Ashton. "Gun shoot. Stay behind us if u don't wanna die." I stated. The 2 girls nodded but then, I heard Violet scoffed.

"U r going to kill the bad guys with that?" She asked while pointing to the golf clubs me & Ashton r holding. I rolled my eyes. "We've been trained to-" I was cut off by Ashton hitting me on the guts. It wasn't really painful but I get the message. "Sorry." I mumbled. "No. Continue. U have been trained to what?"

Before I come up with a lie to cover up, 4 guys were charging us. "Stay in the car!" I yelled. When Lil' Li was about to open the door, Ashton yelled. "No! It's too dangerous! We don't know if they have back up or not! We r out-numbered." I sighed but was ready to kick some ass.

I turned & saw a guy was charging towards Ashton but he can't see him. "Ashton! 3 o'clock!" He turned & kicked the guy with a swift move so the guy was already down. "1 down, 3 to go." I heard him said. Thanks to my awesome hearing, I could hear the bushes rustling.

I turned & to my surprise, the dude has a sheid. Which is a garbage bin's lid. I didn't waste anytime & hit the person with the golf club. The guy dodged every hit I gave him. But luckily, I'm fast enough to kick him in the ribs. In a sec, he is already down. I smiled with satisfaction. "Well that was easy dealing with shield guy." I stated.

Suddenly, I heard an ear-bleeding scream. Oh shit, the girls. I quickly run towards them. The guy in front them smirked when he saw me. "Well, well, well. Jackson Reed. Nice to see ya again, mate." I rolled my eyes. "Who r u & I'm not your mate." I spat. He chuckled & revealed himself. My eyes widen.

It was Raymond's right hand. "Aaron." I said.

He chuckled again. "Of course it's me, Jack." Fuck, I hate it when people call me 'Jack'.

"Remember that u put Ray's bro into jail? Well now u r going to pay. All of u!" He exclaimed into the woods. Then, another scream sounded. I turned an saw Lilliana crying as a guy approaches her. When I was about to run to her, Violet steps in & kicked the guy in the balls.

I run towards them & saw who did Vi kicked.

"George. Ray's left hand. 3rd in command." I stated to myself. "Ray? As in Raymond? U know him too?" Oops. Ashton is going to explain everything after this. I turned to face Ashton & saw everyone was already down or maybe some ran away. He walked towards us. "At least the golf clubs work." He said.

I took his & mine and put them back into the trunk. Then, we faced 2 girls who r pissed & determined to get answers.

"Talk. Now." Vi & Lil' Li said in a sync.

Well, Ashton. U have got a lot of explanation to tell your girlfriend & her friend because I'm not going to tell them.



Hey guys! Another update! Yay! I have a lot of free time these days so I decided to keep updating :)

So... Basically, Ashton is going to tell Lilliana his biggest secret which is not-so-secretive anymore. Excited? Because I'm excited to write that part!






Luv u guys <3

-Phoebe xx

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