[12] Are You Bipolar Like Harry Styles' Hair?

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Chapter 12

Ashton's POV

"Poor chick, her face was priceless." Jackson wiped his tears away. "Yeah. I mean, who gives their car keys to some random person & says 'happy birthday'?" Violet said while her best friend gives her a high-5. I shrugged. "I didn't know what to do with the car plus, the police won't find out it was actually me who stole the god damn car."

"Oh now u say u stole it." Lilliana muttered under her breath & press on the gas harder. I sling an arm across her shoulders. "Babe, I said it a lot of times. I just didn't admit it." I smirked. Even though she is facing the road, I could feel her rolling her beautiful eyes. "By the way, how long does it take for us to reach Kuala Lumpur?" I asked.

I could see Violet taking out her phone from the passenger's seat. The stereo was playing the song 'Strong' which now I realized is a One Direction song. Which was weird too. "Who put the 1D CD into the stereo?" I asked. Jackson laughed. "Oh. It was me. Dude, the Midnight Memories CD is my favorite." Jackson stated. I rolled my eyes & look through the compartment. Then, I saw something.

"Is Wayne a One Direction freak or something? Because this compartment is full with their pictures & CDs." I said while showing them a poster of the members. I could hear Lilliana snickered. "Fan boy right there." She said. I chuckled. I closed the compartment & looked out the window.

I could see Violet is still looking at her phone. "About 7 hours." Everyone groaned. "Man, how r we going to survive that long?" Jackson sighed. "Eat? Drink? Rest? Hear the damn radio? Please, have your pick." Lilliana said. I'm not really sure if that is a sarcasm or a real sentence. Me too, subconscious.

"Hey, how come u r driving Wayne's Mercedes instead of your Maserati?" I asked my best friend. "Well, Wayne shipped his car here because he said he can't survive without it." Violet started to explained. "I bet he couldn't survive without u too." Lilliana hissed.

God, what is wrong with her? Isn't she always the cheerful one?

I think Colour was on the verge of tears so Jackson continued the story for her. "So, I decided to borrow it & pick u two up because Vi seriously needed Lilliana that moment." He said. Lilliana sniffed, almost crying too, I guess. "Aw, I'm sorry I wasn't there to comfort u girl-to-girl, Vi." She said sadly.

Oh, she is back to her caring self.

"It's okay. Really. At least, now u r here." Colour smiled. "And what about Nick & Amy? R they dealing with him or something?" From the mirror, I could see Jackson nodded. "Yeah. They said that he has become a total physco." He stated. "Well, that's his problem. And why did he become a total physco? Isn't he the one who broke up with Vi? I swear, if I see him I'm going to slap him in the face." Lilliana stated, clearly feeling bad for Violet & feeling disgusted by Wayne.

And now she has become her inner badass girl.

"Chill, princess. I think they will work this out." I said while placing a hand on her free hand. "They better be. I don't think I could handle emotions so good." Jackson said while he fake puked. Then, I heard a smack. I turned around & saw Violet smacked Jackson on the shoulders.

"Oh yeah? How 'bout the moment when u found Kylie in the old abandoned apartment where that son of a bitch held her & Lil' Li?" Violet challenged him. He huffed. "That... Was..." He trailed off. "Just admit it, Jackson. U cried when u saw Kylie running towards u." I said while laughing. "Did anybody gave u tissues for that?" Lilliana asked.

Is that a...

I don't know, subconscious. I don't know. What the hell is wrong with my girlfriend today?

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