[7] Never Thought Of It

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A/N: OMFG! I'm so sorry for the late update, guys. As u know, I was having the exams so I can't do a chapter :( But at least I've updated now xD

P.S: I was half asleep when I do this so don't complain if I did any mistakes & it's bad

Chapter 7

"Hello to u too, jackass." I greeted. I could imagine him rolling his eyes.

"Whatcha doing, bro?" Ashton asked. I sighed. This isn't the time to ask them what they're doing, Ash. "Please tell me u got a brilliant plan to let us out of this mess." I pleaded. After a good 10 minutes of silence, Ashton turned to me. "Is he dead or something?" He asked.

"I'm still here, ya know! And nope, I don't have a plan." He said. I mentally face palmed.

He took 10 fucking minutes just to say that!

Ashton stopped at a small building which I think is the motel that we r staying at. "So how the fuck do u expect us to go back to Malaysia?!" Ashton asked as we walked into the motel. It's quite fancy, lets just hope it's not expensive. "I don't know! Drive? Oh wait, u guys don't have money to rent a car."

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. I forgot that we didn't tell them about us having a great time at the Universal Studio today & we rented a car. "Yeah. So how?" He asked again. He just went along that we didn't rent a car. I heard Jackson sighed at the other side of the line. Me & Ashton went into the lift.

"Jackson!" I heard Wayne shouted.


"Who r u talking to?"

"Your grandma!" Then, I heard a smack. "Hey!"

"That's for calling Grandma S without me." I laughed. I remembered Wayne telling me about him calling him & his twin calling their grandma Grandma S. From what I heard, she makes the best cookies in the whole world. Then, the doors opened. We walked until we reached our room. Until now, Jackson & Wayne r fighting over a grandma.

I took the key from Ashton's hand & unlock the door. "Dude! Like seriously, shut up! I'm still wondering how Violet handles u." Jackson said. "I'm in the same room, Jackson so I can hear u! U don't want me to shove a knife into your ass, do u?" I heard my best friend threatened him. I rolled my eyes. "I'm going into the shower." He said as he kissed my cheek. I nodded & sit on the bed.

"Guys!" I yelled. "What?!" I heard four people shout at the same time. I guess Kylie was there too. "Wait, is that Lil' Li?" I heard Violet asked. "No... This is Grandma S." I faked a voice so I sounded old. But u failed eventually. Great, Lolliana's bad side is back. U know it, bitch. I gasped.

My subconscious called me a bitch! Well not my real subconscious, my subconscious' bad side.

"Don't lie, Lilly! It's fucking u! When did u call & why the hell didn't u tell me, doofus?!" I heard a smack. I'm guessing Violet smacked Jackson's head. "Ow! She called just now & I picked it up! Jeez, woman. Calm your damn tilts." I heard Jackson said softly, hoping that Violet doesn't hear him.


I guess I was wrong.

"U don't dare talk about my girl's tilts! Go & talk about Kylie's tilts instead!"

Wayne. Not Violet. It's Wayne. And not just any Wayne, it's angry Wayne.

"Dude! I was just kidding. What has got into u?" I heard a huff.

"Well I don't know, maybe somebody took it seriously because one of his best friend always talks about his girlfriend's tilts! What do u want? U wanna try? Do u wanna put your dick into her too?!" I gasped as I stood up. I never heard Wayne yelled like that. I heard a little sniffle. "Is it true, Jackson?" I can't quite know who is she but she was sad.

"What?! No! Never in a million years, Ky. U know I love u. Why would I go with Violet anyway? She has Wayne."

It's Kylie.

"I don't even know if I want her anymore." I gasped again. Is that really the Wayne that I know?

"What do u mean, Wayne? Y-you wanna b-break up with m-me?" Oh god. Wayne u don't dare break my best friend's heart.

"I think it's for the best."

And just like that, the line went dead. I dropped the phone & stumbled back. I was about to hit the floor when a pair of arms catch me. "Wow, baby. U okay?" He asked. I shook my head.


I never thought that the guy that was very kind-hearted could break my best friend's heart.

I couldn't believe it.

& it all started with Jackson telling Violet to calm her tilts.

Or maybe there r more reasons.



Hey guys!

God dammit, I'm so sorry for the late update! The exams were on & I needed to concentrate. Well at least now it's over & I can update!


So guys, remember to share 'Bad Boy Romance' on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #Wattys2014! Thank u to everyone who has shared my story. I really appreciate it.






Love u guys <3


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