[1] 2 Days Later...

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Chapter 1

"Miss?" I heard someone said as a flash came towards me.

"Huh?" I sit up straight & rubbed one of my eyes. I opened both of them & saw a crowd of old people standing in front of me. "May I help u?" I asked. The old grandma tried to hide her laugh but it seems impossible. Some other grandpa took a picture of me. Am I that beautiful? "Could u wake up your boyfriend too? Because it seems like u two r sleeping while leaning to a tourist contraption." She stated.

My eyes widen & looked beside me. Ashton was snoring like a pig while his cheek was collided with the wall or stone or the thingy. I guess that's why the grandpa took the pic because that is one hilarious scene. Being a smart ass, I shook him. "Ashton, wake the fuck up!" I yelled. I can hear gasps form. I also heard someone tsking. Finally, he woke up & his expression was the same as mine when I woke up just now.

What the hell is happening?

"Wha?" He asked with one eye open. I told him to stand up. I did the same. I thanked the grandma for waking us up & we both walked away from the group of old people. "What the fuck?!" He exclaimed. "God dammit! How did we even end up here?!" I asked him.

"How could u ask me?! Forget how we end up here, I don't even know where we r!" He raised his hands in defense. I sighed.

"I'm still blaming u for this."

"Yeah. Blame me!" He said as he look around. We both saw a fish-with-a-lion's-head statue above a lake. "I think that's where we sleep last night." I said as I pointed to the statue. "I think so too. But seriously though, where r we?" He asked. I shook my head. "I don't know." I stated.

Then, something hit me.

"Do u have money or phone?" I asked. He started to search his back pocket. I started to search mine. "I've got 20 cents & my phone!" He exclaimed. "I've got 1 ringgit." I showed the money. He nodded. Then, I tilted my head to the side a little. My eyes widen as I saw the building.

"Ashton?" He jerked his head from his 20 cents & looked at me.


"I don't think we r not in Malaysia." I stated. His eyes widen too.

"What makes u say that?" I pointed my index finger at the building.

"Do u see that building?" I asked. He turned his whole body around & nodded.

"Do u know what building it is?" His mouth was a perfect 'o'.

"Oh. My. God." He said as his eyes were already glued to the 3-buildings-glued-to-one building.

"Yup. We r domed." I stated. He raised his hands. "How the hell did we end up in Singapore?! It's like... Another country!" He exclaimed. "That's-" I pointed to the statue. "-Is the national thingy that I don't know what is it called. While that-" I pointed at the building. "-Is the Marina Bay Sand. Which has a infinite pool & a casino." I stated.

"I can't believe we didn't know that like 5 minutes ago." Ashton said while running a hand down his face. "How did we get here?" I asked. Then, he gave me a frown & showed me something that was in his palm. I gave a disbelief look. "Train tickets? R those from your pocket?!" I asked. He sheepishly nodded.

"Why the hell r there train tickets in your pocket?!" I boomed. His suddenly clenched his jaws & tighten his fists. "Well, how could I know, Lilliana? U ask me, I ask who? The grandma who woke u up? I don't think so!" He exclaimed.

"At least remember something! The tickets were in your pocket! If they were in mine, I'd surely remember something!" I yelled, already losing my temper.

"But being u, u didn't remember anything from last night either! So both of us got into this bullshit without any remembrance of yesterday! Now answer me, Lilliana. Do u know what happen yesterday?" He asked. Anger was in his eyes but in the same time, hurt flashes across his eyes.

I kept quiet & looked down, knowing I didn't really remember anything from yesterday.

"That's what I thought." He spat.

He immediately regret for spitting on me. He quickly hugged me & wiped away the tears that I didn't know that was flowing with his thumb. "I'm sorry for spitting on u, Lilliana. I didn't mean it. I guess I'm just a jerk who is lost with his awesome girlfriend." He stated. My tears stopped long ago. I nodded. "U r a jerk." I said as I hit his broad chest.

I looked up & saw him smirked. Oh god, back to the arrogant bad boy he is. "But u love me." I rolled my eyes. "Sadly, I am." I can feel his chest vibrate as he chuckles. "Don't pretend that u don't love me, princess because I know u sure as hell do." He said. I can't help but smile at that statement.

After a good 1 minute silent, I broke it. "So... How about a call to one of our friends?" I asked. He nodded as he reached out for his iPhone. "Good idea." He smiled. But then, it was replaced by a frown. "What's wrong?" He showed me his phone. And it was certainly bad.

15% battery remaining.

"Great. Just great. It could last long enough to call Jackson to pick us up or something so call him!" I exclaimed. He quickly dialed his best friend's number & put it on speaker. "Ashton! Where the fuck r u, man?! We've been looking all over for u." Jackson's voice boomed from the phone.

"I'm, don't freak out but me & Lilly r in Singapore."

Moment of silence.

"What the actual fuck?! Singapore?! Do u know how far is Singapore & Kuala Lumpur? It's a 5 hours drive, Ash! How many wines did u guys order anyway? U guys r total morons! What is your plan now, dickhead?" Jackson asked. Then, I heard mumbling on the other side of the line.

"Lilliana! We were worried as fuck about u guys!" Violet's voice was heard from the phone. I pinched my nose bridge while cursing a few words. Then, I snatch the phone from Ashton's hands. "Enough bullshit. Tell us how do we get outta here!" I exclaimed. "Who lit the fuse on her tampon?" I heard Wayne asked. Ashton didn't waste anytime & laugh his ass off.

"Wayne, I swear to god if I was there I will rip your balls off!" I threatened. He huffed. "Calm your tilts, girl." He mumbled. "Just tell us how do we go from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur?" Just when they want to answer, the line was cut off. "Fuck!" Ashton cursed out loud. "Do u have the charger with u?" He gave me a glare. "What do u think my pockets r? My bedroom?"

I rolled my eyes. "How much does 1 ringgit cost if it is changed to Singapore dollar?" I asked as we sit on a bench. "I'm guessing 30 cents." I sighed. "At this rate, we r never going to get anywhere." Then, he smirked. A smirk that says we-r-going-to-do-something-very-naughty-until-we-will-be-on-Santa's-naughty-list.

"Oh no, Spencer. What the hell r u planning?" His smirk grew wider.

"Let's steal us some... I don't know... Some appropriate clothes first."

I stared at him. I'm pretty sure my eye balls r going to blow up.



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I'm pretty sure my books aren't that amazing but they r okay :) If they weren't, u wouldn't be here reading it & waiting for another update that will tell u what the hell will Ashton & Lilliana do to get money.

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