[5] Scary Mummies & The Bad Subconscious

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Chapter 5

"R u sure about going on this ride?" Ashton asked for the 100th time.

I nodded. "I'm okay. I'm not a little kid." I pointed out.

"Yeah I know that. It's just that u were leaning against me & hugging me like the Earth is going to have a massive earthquake & everyone is going to be swallowed into the ground." He explained.

What he said was actually true. I was kinda scared to go on this ride because I remembered riding a ride like this with Nicholas & I end up a week in the hospital due to pressure or some shit like that. But the weird thing is, I would never throw up even if I'm full if I went on a roller coaster. I can't really be admitted to the hospital once again because...

First, the food there is horrible.

Second, every god damn nurse there would try to flirt with Ashton is he stays there.

Third, I don't really like to see everything white.

Fourth, the nurses r just so like fucking whores.

Fifth, well u know... Nurses just get into my nerves.

I don't really wanna bring up the subject or remembering the memory of that day. It was painful. Me & Ashton were already in the front. After 2 persons go on the ride, it'll be our turn. "R u scared?" I blurt out. Dang it, why does my mouth need to have a mind of it's own? "Of course not. R u? Because if u r, we could turn back, Lilliana." I shook my head.

"No. We've spent like 30 minutes waiting so fuck no we r going to turn back now." He smiled. "That's my girl." I returned one to him as a lady & man lead us into the ride. God, I hope I'm not making the wrong decisions because I may like roller coasters but that doesn't mean I'm not afraid of them.

The ride started off slow. Which is a sign saying that this is a bad idea. Shut up, subconscious. Ashton is here so everything will be fine. Yeah, yeah. That's what u said last time. Why can't u just admit that everything will be alright? Because I know something bad will happen.

I shook my head to let my subconscious go away. She is really a pain in the ass sometimes. Suddenly, a scary looking mummy appeared from nowhere. The ride stopped. It said something about revenge & fires started to burn everywhere. I looked at Ashton & I saw him looking at the fires with full excitement.

Why do boys like scary rides like this?

The ride continues. Then, on a screen, there was a mummy, but it's more scarier than before & it's only the head, telling us to beware. As fast as lightning, the ride started to go fast. I screamed as Ashton shouted 'Hell yeah'! I mean, who does that? Everyone except u because u r so scared.

Who the hell r u & what have u done to my subconscious, Lolliana? My real subconscious isn't this mean.

Just shut up. I'm someone that will tell u negatives rather than positives like what Lolliana did to u!

Great, now I have 2 subconscious. One is Lolliana, the original subconscious & the other one is the bad version of Lolliana. Or maybe they r just the same person with different ways to express herself.

Stop thinking so much & just look at the mummy.

So I did. The scary-looking mummy told us to get prepared & there were wicked laughs around the ride. Then, the ride started to go backwards fast. I literally screamed my heart out. Ashton? Well, he is smiling which means he is enjoying this. Me? Nope. U can perfectly see that I have a death wish from the first I step into this ride.

Suddenly, the ride stopped & I was catching my breath. "Well that was fun, isn't it?" Ashton asked. Even though it was dark & a little cold here, I can practically tell that my boyfriend is smirking. "Minus the part u r screaming until my eardrums r bleeding of course." Here we go again... "That was scary, okay?" He just laughed as the ride started again.

The ride started to go fast. Which is the cue for u scream like a total maniac.

Shut up, the bad side of Lolliana. Why r u even here, anyway?

It went up & then down. I screamed like Ashton just told me he is going to have a threesome with my best friends. "Whoohoo! This is awesome!" The person beside me shouted. Ashton kept his grin on his face & shouted 'fuck yeah' when the roller coaster, or should I say death machine, wen down the 'hill'.

"I'm gonna die!" I finally shouted. "No u r not!" Ashton yelled back. He laughed as the roller coaster went from fast to slow. Finally, the ride has come to & end. When the person open the doors. I quickly stepped out. "Finally! I made it! I didn't die!" I accidentally slapped the nearest person to me.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't... I was too happy I... R u okay?" I asked the man. "It's okay. I know how girls r if they ride roller coasters like this." He chuckled. Ashton, being so overprotective, quickly wrapped his arms around my waist & pulled me close to him.

Can't u see I'm trying to apologize for slapping this man, Ashton?

Finally, the real Lolliana is back!


Why do u have a bad side anyway? I thought subconsciouses should be good.

They should but not me. I'm kinda awkward... Like u.

I am not!

Do to!

Great, now I am mentally fighting with my own subconscious. "C'mon. Let's bail." Ashton said as we walk out of Ancient Egypt. "Where do u wanna go now?" He tapped his chin for awhile. Then, he snapped his fingers. I'm guessing an idea came across his mind.

"How about we go to the Lost World?" I snapped my head at him.

"U mean we r going to go to Jurassic Park?" He shrugged.

"Yeah. We should get wet." My eyes widen.

"What do u mean by 'get wet'?" I did air quotes to show him what I meant.

"Well, I saw a bunch of boys & girls hanging out together. I heard they talked about going to Jurassic Park to get wet. They say it is going to be epic." He explained. I nodded. "Well what r we waiting for? Let's go!"



Hey guys!

How this chapter? Did anybody went on the Revenge of the Mummy before? I did. I wrote this chapter based on what I think of it. If u didn't rode it before, go for it! It's really awesome.

But warning: It could maybe scare the living shit out of u.

So yeah. I'll try to update soon :)








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