[25] Home Again

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Chapter 25

Lilliana's POV

Home at last!

"Mom! Lucas! I'm back!" I shouted as I put my luggage down. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and saw Lucas and my mom literally running down the stairs. "Lilly!" Lucas exclaimed as he hugged me. I ruffled his hair. "Hey Luc." He scrunched up his nose.

"Don't ruffle my hair, Lilliana. You know how much I hate it." I smiled. "And that's why I like doing it." I faced my mom. She had tears in her eyes. "Lilliana." I hugged her."Hey, mom. See? I'm alive now, aren't I?" I joked a little.

But you're not going to be alive after you face Raymond.

FOR GOD'S SAKE, SHUT THE FUCK UP, DOUCHENIA! Can't you see I'm having a family moment?

I'm just reminding you.

Well, stop reminding me!

My mom laughed and smiled. "I thought you were coming back next week. What's with the change of dates?" My mom asked. "Uh..." Think, Lilliana. Think. "We didn't like... Um... The food and stuff so we decided to come back. Some of us got homesick."

Nice going, Lilliana. Your mom is totally gonna buy that. Please not the sarcasm.

At least I did something.

She raised an eyebrow but then let it go. "I told you that you wouldn't like the place that much, Lilly." I nodded. "Yeah but I did enjoy it though. I took pictures and stuff." She grinned. "Let me see!" Lucas shouted. I took out my phone and started to tell them the stories about me and Ashton getting lost until we went to KLCC.

But of course, leaving out the part where Raymond threaten me and my friends.

And the fact we are going to die.

Ashton's POV


We need a plan.

Like, now.

I picked up my phone and dialed Jackson's number. After 2 rings, he picked up. "Hey Jackson. You need to tell the whole crew to come here now. We need to plan out something and a back up plan so we can face Raymond with ease."

"Sure. I'll tell everyone to meet at your house in 15." Jackson said through the phone.

"Okay, thanks man. See you." He said a quick 'bye' and hung up.

I rubbed my face and groaned. Why does Raymond need to seek revenge on my girl? Like, there's a bajilion more girls out there to harm -no offense- but he has to hurt Lilliana.

That's why we need a good plan. No. An amazing plan that is bound to work.

Third Person's POV (I just love writing like this sometimes)

"Okay, mom. I'm going out to buy something from the store." Lilliana shouted to her mom. She heard a faint reply about being safe and she's on her way.

She was walking to the store as it's not too far from her house.

Before she was even near the store, someone covered Lilliana's mouth with a cloth and told her to breath it in. Because she needed to breath, She had no choice but to breath it in, making her unconscious in just a snap of a finger.

At a short distant, Wayne and Nicholas were walking towards Ashton's house when they saw Lilliana. They were about to shout her name but then they saw her being captured by a masked man. When they saw the man carrying Lilliana into a tinted van, the only thing that is in their mind is:

Not again.



Hey guys!


*plays the piano like some Beethoven wannabe slash total lunatic*

*stop playing the piano and faces the camera*


So... Another update!!! Yeepee! To be honest, I don't know where the hell are these ideas coming from.

Oh well.






And I'll keep UPDATING!

P.S: Why r there ghost readers? Like... No. You can just press that vote button within 2 seconds. I DON'T BITE PEOPLE, DONT WORRY!

-The Author Of This Damn Book

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