[27] Memories

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Chapter 27

Lilliana's POV

"Princess? Lilliana? How about we go out and see the sunset today?" Ashton asked as he went inside our bedroom. I was keeping away my book after I finished reading it.

"Sure but why all of a sudden?" I asked my boyfriend. He grinned. "Just simply. I thought you like watching the sunset." He said sweetly. "I do. Just... Never mind." I looked at the clock and I realized there's still a few minutes before the sunsets.

"Let's go up the roof now. We have a few minutes left." I took his hand and lead him out of our apartment. We shared an apartment ever since we are studying at California. He decided to bought us an apartment and now we can watch sunsets together at the rooftop, seeing that I love watching it.

When we reached the rooftop, the sunset was starting. It is very beautiful, like every time I see it. I didn't even realized Ashton was gone until the sun is about to set fully.

I turned around and saw Ashton down on one knee. I gasped. "Ashton..." I trailed off. My hands were covering my mouth but that didn't stop the tears from falling. "Lilliana Olive Lambert, will you marry me?" He said simply while opening a velvet box. Inside it was the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.

I chocked up a sob and yelled "yes". He got up and hugged the shit out of me and slide the ring onto the appropriate finger. He smiled that million dollar smile and said to me "Simple yet effective."

Now I know he had been researching on how to ask a girlfriend to marry you.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "I love you, Ashton."

"I love you too, Lilly. And I'm never, ever letting you go."

We pulled apart and I hold his hand. "You remembered." I stated. "What?" He asked, confusion in his voice. I rolled my eyes. "You remembered that I once told you I want someone to propose me during the sunset." I turned to him and smiled. He gave me a breathtaking smile and chuckled.

"Of course I did, princess. You are the one I want to spend my lifetime with. So, of course I remembered every single and little detail about you." My eyes started to water again but this time I didn't hold back the sobs. I let it flow and hugged the one true man that I love.


A palm struck my cheek. "Lilliana! Get your shit together! You are getting married, not kill somebody." Violet said after she slapped me.

It's true. I'm getting married to the man of my dreams yet here I am, shaking like I am in a Shakira music video. She is my maid of honor and Jackson is Ashton's best man. Before I get to defend myself, a knock was heard. Amy looked at me and opened the door.

Ashton is in his suit while holding out a rose, probably for me.

No shit, Lilliana.

Please, Douchenia. I don't need your shit today.

Ashton smiled and hugged me. "This rose is for you." He said simply. Told you so. "ARE YOU CRAZY?! YOU SHOULDN'T LOOK AT THE BRIDE, IT'S BAD LUCK!!" Violet yelled. Ashton rolled his eyes and faced Violet. "Fuck those traditions. Plus, it's my wedding. I could do whatever the hell I want." Violet looked fumed but let it go as she know she did the same thing when she got married with Wayne.

Ashton chuckled at her expression and hugged me the last time. But before he went outside to wait at the alter, he whispered something in my ear which caused me blushed :

"I can't wait to get that dress off you tonight." Cheeky man.

Okay, wedding. Let's do this.


I sighed as Ashton stirred in his sleep. It was in the early morning and he was still sleeping when he practically promised that he'll wake up early. I didn't have the heart to wake him up as he worked till late hours. Being the new owner of a huge company wasn't easy.

I was remembering the moment when he proposed and our wedding when suddenly, I heard shouting.

"OSCAR! Stop it! Give it back!" And with that, I know my two children are awake.

"NO RUTH! I'LL NEVER GIVE THIS PENCIL TO YOU!" I heard a groan before me and Ashton's room's door is burst open.


Sometimes, their fights can be as stupid as it's about a damn pencil.

Then, my 8-year old daughter who looks exactly like her father came into our room with tears.

Afterwards, her older brother by 1 year came strolling in while holding a glittering pencil. He looks just like me which is really scary. I sometimes thought that boys should look like their dads but he is different. Ruth jumped on the bed, causing Ashton to open his eyes.

I jumped on the bed and yet he didn't wake up.

The power of the daughter.

You are right, Lolliana.

"MOM! DAD! Tell him to stop taking my shits! It's really fucking annoying." She crossed her hands in front of her chest while Oz is at the back giving her the finger.

Where did they learn these things?

Then I realized who are their parents.

Me and Ashton. Of course they would learn to curse and flip the bird at such a young age.

Took you long enough.

Shut up, Douchenia.

"Could you two stop fighting? For God's sake, I need to sleep." Ashton groaned.

I rolled my eyes as I get out of bed and help my two maniacs which I call my children to calm down.



Hey guys!



*clear throats* Sorry.

By the way, I've posted pictures of the cast. Just refresh and check the chapters.

As I always say in an author's note:

Remember to VOTE





-Mrs. Horan xox (this would never happen but a girl has gotta dream, right?)

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