[13] You Are One Hell Of A Something, Spencer

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Chapter 13

Lilliana's POV

"I think it's time to change drivers. I think my hands have become numb." I grumbled while stretching out my arms. "Well, who told u to drive 3 hours straight when some people clearly said that their pipes needed to leak out waters?" Ashton asked. Violet & Jackson were out 'leaking their pipes' as Ashton says. So being me, I complained about my painful hands to him.

"Leak out water? Wow, your vocabulary never fails to surprise me, Spencer." I said, rolling my eyes. He chuckled. "I know. It always work on u, so that's good right? How 'bout u & me switch places, I'll drive from here." He said. "Aw, that's sweet of u, Ashton. Thanks." We opened the door at the same time & switch places.

Right on time, Violet came back with Jackson but she was crying her life out. "Please comfort her. Like I've said before, I'm shit at emotions." He said while Violet walks towards me. I quickly embrace her with a hug. "Shh. It's okay." I cooed. She shook her head, hard. "No it's not, Lilly! That son of a damn bitch." She cried.

I looked at Jackson, trying to ask him what's wrong. He shrugged, not knowing anything. I rolled my eyes. Me & Vi pulled away but I hold her hand, trying the best that I can to comfort her. I mean, the tough, sassy girl has let her walls down & now, she's broken once again.

"What happened, Vi? Tell me." She hiccuped a few times before telling me. "Wayne called." Oh no, this couldn't be good. "And I heard a girl's moan from the background. I asked him who it was but then he just snapped. He said it was his new girlfriend & scolded me with colorful words for ruining his moment. I mean like, what the hell?"

Then, she laughed humorlessly. "I guess I'm the bad guy in this relationship, huh? I guess I'm the motherfucka' who ruined everything! Even my own god damn mother doesn't want or remember her own daughter. I guess I'm that useless, huh? Well, guess what, everybody?! I don't give a flying fuck about anything, ANYMORE!"

She yelled as she gives everybody her middle finger. I quickly pulled it down.

Ashton raised an eyebrow on what Violet meant by her mother. I sighed in frustration & run my fingers through my hair. I mouthed a 'later' & he nodded, understanding. I hold on to a crying Violet & told her to sleep at the back of the car. She nodded, must be tired from all that emotional things she's going through.

Like what Ashton promised, he took the wheels. Jackson decided to seat in front as he is shit in emotions & don't really wanna deal with my bestie.

After a couple minutes of driving, Violet eventually falls asleep. "Now, could u fill us in with something?" Ashton questioned. I sighed but nodded. "When Vi was 7 years old, her mom left her in front of her own eyes, just like that. She would always ask her dad why did she leave them but her father always tries to change the subject. But one day, her father finally told her why." I suck in a deep breath.

"Her mother left them because of Violet. She said that Violet was a disrespectful child. She already had her hair dyed blue because she accidentally poured the wrong shampoo. Plus, she had a record in our school. So, yeah. Basically that's why her mom left her. Oh & she remarried after 2 years. Her father was invited so he decided to bring Violet along.

But when her mom saw her, she asked her father who was she. Little Violet was jumping like crazy & said that she was her daughter. But the only thing that Mrs Henderson or now known as Mrs Hale said is: I don't have a child who has blue hair. I'm sorry, Seth. I think u got the wrong person or something."

I didn't notice I was crying until Jackson gave me a tissue. "Even though I have shitty friends who didn't give me tissues when I needed them, I'll be a good friend & give them to u. I mean, the person who needs it." He said with a smile. "Thanks." I said. "Judge me if u want." I heard someone said. We turned our heads to face non-other than Violet herself.

"What?" Jackson was dumb-folded, I can tell. Vi rolled her brown eyes. "I said judge me if u want. Lilliana already told u everything so go ahead." She murmured while sinking deeper into the seat. I put my hand on her thigh. "Violet, u shouldn't be like that we would never judge u. U r awesome & u know that." I said sincerely.

"Yeah. I think your mom or -excuse me- that bitch shouldn't leave u like that." Jackson said, trying to cheer her up. Violet smiled a little. "I guess she is a bitch." She stated.

At least she's okay, for now.

"Well, u shouldn't let that bitch ruin your life, Colour. So yeah, maybe without her ovum u wouldn't be here but she doesn't need to leave u like that just because u dyed her hair blue or... Or have a bad record at school. And she has forgotten about u? Who the fuck does that to her own daughter?

I mean, even though my mom isn't here, she still remembers me. Every parent should remember their own child even though they've abandon them. They're still in there blood. That's total shizz, man. She shouldn't just go like that & left behind a tough but kind girl like u. U deserve the good stuffs, not the bad one.

At least your dad is still with u, right? If Wayne heard about your family, he wouldn't become Godzilla just because Jackson said the wrong things. I swear, most of the time, his mouth would say the wrong things. But yeah. What I'm trying to say is, yes u can remember your mom but don't let her doings bring u down. U should live a better life, u know? And live while u r young, before u get married, have kids & everything."

Jackson was still gaping like a damn fish, Violet is still processing what Ashton is trying to say & I am thinking how lucky I am to have him as a boyfriend. But then, replaying all the things he just said, I spoke. "Did u try to use a One Direction song in your sentence?" I asked, amused by him.

He grumbled a few colorful words before answering me. "Yes, I did. Now stop making a huge deal out of it." He said. I laughed. "I guess u r right, Ashton, I shouldn't let my mom bring me down when I'm clearly happy with my life right now." Violet said. Ashton nodded, his eyes never leaving the road for once. "I know." He said simply.

I grinned. "U r one hell of a something, Spencer." Even though I can't see him, I could picture him grinning. "Why, thank u, Lambert. I am quite a something, aren't I?" I rolled my eyes. "Don't let your ego get the best of u, Ashton." I said while shaking my head. "Of course I won't. Wouldn't want u to hit me in your bipolar state now, do we?" He asked.

"God, for the last time, I'm not bipolar, Ashton!" I exclaimed while putting my hands in the air.

Which end up hitting the roof of the car.

And causing a bruise to form on my fingers.

Great job, Lilliana.

Shut up, Douchenia.

Ashton just laughed at me. Causing me to shot daggers at him.

Stupid hot boyfriend.



Hey guys! Another update! Yay! Finally I got some time. Plus, it's the holidays!

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