[24] The Last Stop

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Chapter 24

Lilliana's POV

"This place is huge!" Wayne exclaimed.

Truth is, he & Violet were trying to work things out. He said that he had a fake girlfriend just to make Violet jealous. He didn't really thought it would make her sad as he always thought she was a tough girl.

"Well, it does have 88 floors so of course." Violet said.

We were currently at the famous Kuala Lumpur Twin Towers. Ashton said he wanted to let me see the place before we go back to NYC tomorrow.

He wrapped his arms around me as we savour the moment. Who knows what Raymond & his crew have planned out for us back in NYC. "Hey! Let's take a group selfie as a memory!" Kylie shouted. We all nodded and crowded beside her, some behind her. We were struggling to fit into the picture until some random guy tapped Amy's shoulder.

"Do u guys want me to help to take the picture? I sense u r struggling." The dude said, which he also added with a wink at the end.

Nick quickly hold Amy's hand and gave the guy the most fakest smile I've ever seen from my best friend.

I guess the guy got the message and lowered his head as he took Kylie's phone.

Dick just got rejected...

Why the sudden appearance, Douchenia?

Meh, just felt like it.

Afterwards, we continued sight seeing the beautiful park there. There was a lake-fountain that was doing like a water show for everybody that is walking around the lake. It was very cool if u asked me. Ashton helped me took some pictures of the lake so that I can show mom & Lucas.

If we survive Raymond & his army of assholes that is.

Wow, Douchenia. Really? Don't remind me about that.

Can't you see? I'm clearly trying to remind you about it.

I am just going to ignore her bitchy comments for now because I don't wanna ruin the moment.

And that's what I'm here for.

I sometimes wish she has an off switch. After we went to the KLCC, we went back to our hotel to pack our things for tomorrow. We're leaving tomorrow for NYC and to face the ass of my ex's brother. I don't know what would happen tomorrow...

But let's just pray that we come out alive.

Third person's POV

"What's wrong, babe?" Ashton asked his girlfriend concernly. She was gloomy ever since she knew her friends needs to face Raymond and his crew of dickheads. Lilliana looked up and saw Ashton furrowing his eyebrows. She sighed. "Nothing, Ash. I'm just worried about tomorrow." She gave him a weary smile.

Ashton shook his head and hugged Lilliana. "You don't need to worry about that jackass. I've got it all covered. I'm never going to let anybody hurt you." Ashton wiped away a tear that has wet her cheek. Kylie walked towards them and hugged Lilliana. She knows that Lilliana blames herself for making everyone's lives in danger.

"But... Everyone is in danger now. They need to sacrifice themselves just because I dated an asshole who just wants sex before!" Lilliana cried out. Just then, everyone come and hug her so that she could feel better. She does a little, but that doesn't seem to make the worries go away.

Wayne shook his head. "It's faith, Lilly. We just need to stay strong and face him like when we faced Reece. It'll be better, I promise." But it sounded like he was telling himself that too.

Nobody could actually tell what Raymond has planned for them back in New York.

In New York, Raymond is in his basement planning something for Ashton and his friends. His right-hand, Aaron was there to help him plan out everything too. "So, what's the plan, Ray? They're going to reach here tomorrow." Raymond rubbed his temples. "We don't know if they're going to show up tomorrow yet, Aaron. But still, I have a brilliant plan and an amazing back-up plan in my head."

Aaron rolled his eyes mentally. He always thinks his plans will work. He thought to himself. "Are you going to tell us what's the plan?" He asked his best friend. Raymond snapped his head towards him and nodded. "Tell everyone to come here. It's time to tell them the plan to get revenge on Ashton Scott Spencer."




Oh my god... I can't believe I didn't update this book for A FUCKING LONG TIME!!! COULD YOU BELIEVE THAT?!

*runs around like a weirdo*

*hits a post*

*ends up in hospital with a concussion*

I seriously didn't know how to continue the story and I have *snap fingers twice* what is it called? *snap fingers again* OH! WRITER'S BLOCK.



Thank you for bearing with me if you still have this damn book in your library.

LILLIANA IS ABOUT TO GO AND FACE RAYMOND! What will happen next? Stay tune, guys.

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P.S: Help me reach 6k 200 votes!!


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