[15] More Secrets

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Chapters 15

Lilliana's POV

C'mon, c'mon! Can't this lift go any faster?!

Then, somebody puts an arm on my shoulder. "Dude, u okay? U have been pacing back & fourth on this lift ride for quite some time." Violet said with a worried face. "No I'm perfectly fine... When Ashton finally tells me about his shits!" I exclaimed. She sighed. "It's going to be alright. He's going to tell u, right?" I nodded.

"I hope so." The lift dings & the doors open. I quickly run towards our rooms. Violet was struggling to take all the things that we brought for dinner. I mentally apologized to her & went inside the room. Ashton & Jackson snapped their heads towards me. "Well that was fast." Jackson mumbled.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course we r. I need answers." I stated. Jackson quickly went out the room, probably to help Violet & to get far away as possible before I do anything illegal. I crossed my arms in front of my chest & stared at my Prince Ass. He sighed & motioned me to sit on one of the beds.

"How do I start this?" He asked to himself. "Maybe start by saying who u really are." I huffed. He run his fingers through his hair before he opens his mouth.

"I'm a gang leader." And that ladies & gentleman, made me choked on air.

"W-what?" I asked in disbelief. My boyfriend is a gang leader? Who knew?

"I'm a gang leader, Lilliana. That's why I know all the people who fought us just now. They were all commanded by Raymond. That's how I know him. Reece was the head but since he's in jail, Raymond is in command now. So the real reason Wayne's car is here is because I want back up.

I don't wanna risk anything & be defenseless. I knew I'm going to face some bad guy sooner or later so I told Wayne to ship his car here. Plus, it's more cheaper than shipping my Lamborghini but I didn't know he thinks golf clubs r used for fights. God, I swear sometimes he's fucking stupid." He sighed before going on.

"Raymond is out for revenge. I know me & my gang already eliminated him & send him to jail. I guess someone bailed him out." He was going to continue but Jackson cut him off.

"George bailed him out. His father was willing to give his son money to bail out a criminal." Jackson stated. Ashton raised an eyebrow. "George? U mean his left hand?" Jackson nodded. Violet eyes widen. "U mean the guy that I kicked in the balls was a criminal? Sweet." She said while grinning but it turns into a frown when she saw everybody gives her a serious face. Even I was giving her one.

Then, I turned to Ashton again. "So basically u r a gang leader & u were never planning on telling me." He sighed but then nodded. "It was the only way to keep u safe." He stated. "So when Jackson said u guys were trained, it means u guys were trained to use anything to fight the enemies." His eyes widen.

"Wow. U r quick." I shrugged. "U r the leader, so Jackson, the twins & other people r the members." He nodded. "Jackson is 2nd in command if I'm not around." I nodded, still trying to process everything. "God, this is so confusing. U r a gang leader but u never told me. Why?" I asked again, not really satisfied with the answer Ashton gave me.

"I told u already. It was the only way to keep u safe. I don't want anybody to hurt my princess." He sighed in frustration.

"Well at least drop me some clues or... Or something! I mean, c'mon. A girlfriend doesn't know her own boyfriend is a gang leader. Don't u think its ridiculous?" I exclaimed.

"I don't need to! I have a damn gun when I was saving u, Lilliana. Plus, I know how to pickpocket. I know how to defend u & myself even if I'm defenseless, Lilly. It's pretty clear if u ask me." He raised his voice.

"Ugh! I just... I can't believe u aren't going to tell me! God, I feel like shit right now." I groaned. I kept cursing colorful words.

"Lilliana! Calm you tilts, woman!" Then, someone slapped me. But not that hard. Violet.

"I'm sorry, it's just that..." I trailed off. I closed my eyes to block everyone. Then, someone hugged me tight. "I'm sorry, princess. I should've told u sooner or later. But the main reason I don't wanna tell is u is because I don't want u to leave me. U deserve someone much better yet here u r, looking like u passed out in my arms because u saw Niall Horan." His chuckles fill my ears.

My eyes opened & saw Ashton's piercing green eyes staring into mine. He smiled. "Finally." He said, the smile never leaving his face. But then, it was replaced by a frown. "I'm so fucking sorry for not telling u this, Lilly. I thought that's the only way to keep u safe but I was wrong. Now u r in danger too." He sighed.

I touched his cheek. "It's okay. Humans aren't perfect. They mistakes too. And about that 'danger' part, I'm a little scared." I told him. He lift me up so I could sit on his lap. "I would never, ever, infinity never let anybody touch u, princess." He said as a matter-of-fact. I nodded, trusting him with my safety.

"I love u." I mumbled, hoping he wouldn't hear it.

"I love u too." Oh, he heard it. He kissed my hair & hugged me like the world is going to end soon.

"Could u guys be lovey-dovey somewhere else?" Jackson mumbled. I stood up & walks towards him. I looked at Ashton for permission. He nodded, understanding what I'm doing. I faced Jackson again & hugged him. He was shocked at first but finally gave in & hugged me back. "God, I miss Kylie." His words muffled in my hair.

I patted his back. "Call her. Ask her what she's up to." I advised him. We pulled apart. "Yeah. I'm going to do that." He stated. I nodded. "U do that. Now, let's eat. Like seriously though, I'm hungry as hell." Then, somebody wrapped their arms around my waist. "Aren't u always?"

I hit his stomach. "Hey! Growing teens need to eat too, u know?" Everybody nodded, agreeing with my theory.



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P.S: No ghost readers please...


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